The Allen Iverson like transfer Flowers is ranked as the 62 best transfer in college basketball. He had less assists per game than Bonton and really close to the same turnover ratio. If Koulibay is anything close to a potential NBA draft pick I don’t see why he shouldn’t be able to at least give Flowers a run for his money. FYI Koulibay devastating injury kept him off the court for under 3 weeks by his own account.
Well according to Kyle Smith, the coaching staff, news, etc, the reason why Koulibaly disnt play the whole season, is because of that injury.
While Koulibaly might have meant is that he was technically able to practice, play basketball on a basketball court after 3 weeks.
That does not mean that he can play in games, etc.
I have to think that if he was healthy Coach Smith would have played him, and wouldnt have said that the reason he didnt play was the injury.
I do think that Koulibaly could, can give Flowers a run for his money. That doesnt mean beating flowers out tho. It could happen tho. Just dont think thats likely.
Flowers may have been rated 62. But thats still pretty good. And nothing to snide at. And still a lot of semi blue blood programs tried to get Flowers when Flowers transfered, that WSU had to beat out.
As good as Koulibaly might be. I think Flowers is FOR NOW, TEMPORARILY better. But I do think Koulibaly has a higher potential, upside, ceiling, etc, in time, needing to develop first, then Flowers.
Again I never said that Koulibaly is a 1 and done, a Lottery, a 1st rounder, etc.
I said he was a Future Potential future potential NBA PROSPECT, PROSPECT(LEARN WHAT THE WORD PROSPECT MEANS)
Koulibaly might go last pick of 1st round at ultimate extreme best to last pick of 2nd round, to signed undrafted free agent, to G League, etc. It make take him years to make the NBA, like Baynes. But I think that whether or not he is drafted, etc, that eventually he will eventually be a NBA player. At least thats what I think is on paper potential, upside is. Does that mean that he will do that.? NO. He may not pan out. But the potential, upside, etc, is there.
I can see Koulibaly probably eventually becoming a starter at the 2 spot, or at least somewhere by the end of the season, even maybe beating out Flowers.
But not until his Junior season, do I think that Koulibaly will start all season long, etc.
I think Koulibaly tears it up his Junior, and Senior seasons, and thats when the real NBA talk about Koulibaly making the NBA will begin.