31per cent shooting, Bambang gueye and Rodman combine for 3 points? Pathetic
Smith is the same age as Ernie was when Ernie won got to his last Elite 8 and began his swift decline into being a hack.My biggest issue is there's no offensive system. It's not Ernie Kent bad but it's bad. Three man dribble hand off/ball screen is something we've seen from Gonzaga for the last five years. Cougs have that down.
It's after getting into the 'flow' that is lacking. There is NO movement away from the ball. None. They stand. And stand some more. And then stand again. Playing 2 on 5 is just bad basketball. BSU sat in help position on both wings and effectively cut off penetration. Other teams know WSU simply won't kick it to the wings. They also know the wings won't move.
This needs to get cleaned up and fast. if Ken Bone can put in an entirely new offense in two days (when Klay was suspended against UCLA), you'd think these guys could come up with something a little more imaginative.
I don't think this team stinks. I think the coaching stinks and is making the players stinky, too.
Smith is the same age as Ernie was when Ernie won got to his last Elite 8 and began his swift decline into being a hack.
Smith is the same age as Bone was at WSU. Bone's success came at Seattle Pacific which was the big city school plus SPU no longer had Dean Nicholson to contend with. Btw-he also "benched" Klay vs one of the Arizona schools for misplacing his I-phone and being late to the bus. Last place finish his first year with Tony's players
People fall in love with middle age white coaches who can talk hoops - brings back throw back memories. Ditto white running backs on the football side.
Smith's record is like Rolo's prior to WSU. Some success but when you look closer who'd he really beat?
20 loss seasons is what get hoop coaches at WSU whacked, probably not anything like that foreseeable down the line.
But hopefully the talk of "Eastern is a tournament team" "South Dakota State is a tournament team" "New Mexico State is a tournament team" "Boise State is a tournament team" "We have the flu" "Player X has bad body language" can stop.
I'm not sure Smith is as bad as some is making him out to be. Initially the talk around him was he was a good coach, but could he recruit. We find out he is a decent recruiter, but now question can he coach. I think Smith and the players have all been over hyped and we are seeing as them as they are. If we don't see much improvement this year and next is a repeat then I will fall into the sky is falling camp.