I'll disagree to the extent that I'd have much rather seen two week suspensions of activities with a final determination to be made as more data and protocol comes in.
For the student athletes, they essentially got their collective hearts tore out the last 36 hours. I don't think anyone would have minded the NCAA (or any of the professional leagues) saying "Look, this is serious but we just don't have enough information to make a final decision. We're going to table this and revisit in two weeks.".
This cancel mentality just stokes fear and uncertainty. It NEVER hurts to measure twice and cut once.
The decision to cancel may still ultimately be the same but if this whole thing turns out to be a big nothing burger, my actual fear is what happens when something REALLY significant happens. The boy-who-cried-wolf damage is already done.
Just very disappointed in "leaders" all over the country - local, state, federal, business community, media - going straight to apocalyptic measures and tone. This isn't the martians invading and laser beaming entire cities.