Bill Walton

Rich Lewis

Hall Of Fame
Nov 7, 2001
Not coug basketball but probably of interest to many. Just saw Bill Walton died of cancer at 71.
Sad news. Easily one of the best players of my generation. His feet betrayed him but he was a tremendous all around player. My son and I saw him this January at the Coug/Husky game that the Cougs won in overtime. I didn't know he had cancer. The ESPN biography on his career that was aired sometime last year was very good. I don't know if they will air in again soon but for bb fans it is well worth watching.
Arguably the greatest basketball player in conference history. And it’s a short argument.

Only Alcindor can stake a similar claim.

His rebirth from a know-it-all NBA analyst in the 90s to a Pac-10/12 pimp was entertaining as hell, imho.
I was in the LA area during the Alcindor and Walton UCLA years. I thought was the best at the college level. His outlet passes were a thing of beauty.
This is so sad. He was great. But if not for his feet, he would have been all-time great. They say he died of cancer, but we all know it was the implosion of the Pac 12 that did him in. RIP Bill. It's time for you to listen to Jerry Garcia again.
What a long, strange trip it's been.

What a great tribute to Big Bill. Love this song, it takes me back to those college days in early 70's, listening to so much great music (Pink Floyd is on right now playing Wish You Were Here) and watching Cougar football and basketball. Bill Walton was certainly one of the very top highlights. He will be greatly missed by all of us fans of "The Conference of Champions", which he was so proud of.
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