Bob Rob retiring

He’s one of the all time greats in WSU history.

Sad that his tenure is coming to an end, but i’m glad that Bob led the calls all the way up to the arrival of the biggest show in college football coming to Pullman.

It seems fitting that this was his last week. If ever there was a time to pass the torch this would be it.

(Plot twist: Herbstreit enjoys Pullman so much he leaves Gameday to call all WSU games)
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I'm am so Happy that he went out on his own terms. He was the best football play by play guy I have heard in his prime.
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Truly a classy, kind person who personifies Cougar football as much as anyone ever has. We will never forget his voice and passion for the Crimson and Gray.

Glad Cougar
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Sad to see Bob go, but there is a time that everyone encounters, when to call it quits. Thanks Bob, I have enjoyed listing to you for over 50 years.
For roughly 3 generations of Cougs, the voice of Bob Robertson is the voice of Cougar football.

"Touuuchdown Cougars!!!"
Working our orchard back in the 70's on a Fall Saturday afternoon...transistor radio on the tailgate of the old mans pickup...BobRob's voice making the work go fast. I think of fall I think of him. Via con dios old friend. Enjoy your retirement.
Working our orchard back in the 70's on a Fall Saturday afternoon...transistor radio on the tailgate of the old mans pickup...BobRob's voice making the work go fast. I think of fall I think of him. Via con dios old friend. Enjoy your retirement.
It was a couple of decades after that, but I spent many a fall afternoon stalking birds or pulling up catfish/sturgeon listening to Bob Rob. Good memories. Looking back, I'm glad not all games were televised so I could spend that time listening instead.
Just hit the play button... Close your eyes. I dare you to not cry.

I actually closed my eyes, and now have tears in my eyes. Anyone that grew up listening to Bob Rob, will relate. It was magical and amazing. Bob was the best.

Love how he always said, "Washington State".

As Coug95man2 said....."Close your eyes. I dare you to not cry".
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Listening to Robertson's call of the games and his tone and inflection, one could see the game in your mind. No television needed.

P.S. There is the special guest picker for you.
He would rally Coug Nation but nationally he wouldn't work. Wish he would though.
'79, I was raking leaves in my neighbor's yard (also happened to be my Ag teacher) during the infamous '75 Apple Cup. I will never separate out that game from Bob Rob's heartbreak when we blew that one.
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Working our orchard back in the 70's on a Fall Saturday afternoon...transistor radio on the tailgate of the old mans pickup...BobRob's voice making the work go fast. I think of fall I think of him. Via con dios old friend. Enjoy your retirement.
Chopping wood with the transistor playing the WSU-USC game with Ricky Bell at running back.....was still great.
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In his announcement he looked like he lost some weight. I hope his health is ok.
I've been fortunate enough to talk to him on several occasions over the past month, at the home games. He's a gracious, humble man that loves to just shake your hand and hear how things are going. His health? Who knows. I certainly didn't ask, nor would I ever. He's older, he takes his time walking over to you. His back isn't as straight as it used to be. I don't think his vision is perfect (who's is?!). I would be remiss to not mention he's no spring chicken but I don't think anyone thinks that!

He's a gentleman. That's all I know.
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Listening to Robertson's call of the games and his tone and inflection, one could see the game in your mind. No television needed.


Except that Bob would never tell you where the damn ball was. You'd know what color the RB's sister's prom dress was before he would tell you how many yards the RB got on the carry. Drove me freaking nuts. And that was before he started, well, slowing down.........
Except that Bob would never tell you where the damn ball was. You'd know what color the RB's sister's prom dress was before he would tell you how many yards the RB got on the carry. Drove me freaking nuts. And that was before he started, well, slowing down.........
Chazz doesn't tell listeners where the ball is and is often 5 yards off.
Except that Bob would never tell you where the damn ball was. You'd know what color the RB's sister's prom dress was before he would tell you how many yards the RB got on the carry. Drove me freaking nuts. And that was before he started, well, slowing down.........

Well, sort of, Loyal. Bob would tell you the yard line where the runner was brought down, or where he went out of bounds. You were responsible for knowing what yard line you were on at the start of the play and doing the math. But that was part of the magic of didn't just listen to a BobRob broadcast, you mentally participated.
Except that Bob would never tell you where the damn ball was. You'd know what color the RB's sister's prom dress was before he would tell you how many yards the RB got on the carry. Drove me freaking nuts. And that was before he started, well, slowing down.........

Effective immediately.

A salute to a great Coug!
Bob Robertson is the greatest! All good things must come to an end unfortunately, but Bob Robertson will be remembered forever in the hearts of Cougar fans everywhere. We love you Bob, God bless you always.
When I was a student at WSU in the 80's we would cover one of our dining room tables, in our Frat, in green crate paper, table was approx. 7' long and 3' wide. We'd mark out the yard lines and hashmarks, place the Cougar logo at midfield and write scripted 'Cougars' in each end zone. We'd then gather around the table in a lifted position, encircling it. When game time came we'd crank up Bob Rob and use a little paper football to mark progress for each team as Bob called out each play. We always felt like we were MORE than watching the game because Bob was so good at describing everything about the game, the play, the atmosphere, the nuances, etc.
They were such great times and Bob always managed to give us goosebumps every time he exclaimed, "touchdown Washington State."
We love you Bob!!
Matt, that is awesome. I can totally see it happening. That was essentially what I would be doing in my head as I listened.
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