Can he play football?

Volodymyr Markovetskyy, 7-2, signed with the basketball team. What if he could play football on special teams, blocking field goals? Or catch a pass or two? Wishful thinking.
Gotta go with Fro on this one. Someone that tall in the rugby scrum going on in the line is just asking for knee problems. Smith, our new BB coach, would be apoplectic at the idea. Interesting thought though. Keep them coming.

p.s. A nice acquisition for the BB team. Kid needs a lot of work but so did James Donaldson and we know how that worked out.
Thanks- I agree.
Do any of our "grow them bigger" projects from the past have health problems resulting from significant weight gain from the weight room and the dining table? For example, WSU has been successful in having OL and DL players gain significant weight and muscle. Does this cause side effects on their knees or other joints?
Thanks- I agree.
Do any of our "grow them bigger" projects from the past have health problems resulting from significant weight gain from the weight room and the dining table? For example, WSU has been successful in having OL and DL players gain significant weight and muscle. Does this cause side effects on their knees or other joints?

Youre talking about large individuals with prob top 1% DNA in the world. There just arent that many men that are 6’5” or taller AND have the broad shoulders to handle the weight gain.

My point.... these guys were prob gonna have issues regardless. Honestly its up to them to manage their own fitness and health once theyve left WSU at 21-22 years old.
Thanks- I agree.
Do any of our "grow them bigger" projects from the past have health problems resulting from significant weight gain from the weight room and the dining table? For example, WSU has been successful in having OL and DL players gain significant weight and muscle. Does this cause side effects on their knees or other joints?

Eduardo Middleton is down to probably 220.Lots of guys try to take some of the weight off.
Eduardo Middleton is down to probably 220.Lots of guys try to take some of the weight off.
That's has to be the smartest thing to do. Some guys are naturally a Dave Butz or Howie Long who carry a lot of muscle and didn't lift in their lives...I believe.
Thanks- I agree.
Do any of our "grow them bigger" projects from the past have health problems resulting from significant weight gain from the weight room and the dining table? For example, WSU has been successful in having OL and DL players gain significant weight and muscle. Does this cause side effects on their knees or other joints?
Good question and I don't know why I am answering this because I do not know. Many linemen back in the abundant steroids days ended up with various ailments afterwards. Brian Bosworth, for example, ruined his shoulders by growing biceps larger than his shoulder joints could handle. As Ed has mentioned, most start losing weight and dropping down to a more reasonable level after playing. No more, or less, weight room and no thousands of calories daily intakes. Just a hunch on my part but I suspect enduring joint pains are due mostly to playing days injuries and not weight as the weight is fairly quickly shed down to a point where the frame can handle it.
Good question and I don't know why I am answering this because I do not know. Many linemen back in the abundant steroids days ended up with various ailments afterwards. Brian Bosworth, for example, ruined his shoulders by growing biceps larger than his shoulder joints could handle. As Ed has mentioned, most start losing weight and dropping down to a more reasonable level after playing. No more, or less, weight room and no thousands of calories daily intakes. Just a hunch on my part but I suspect enduring joint pains are due mostly to playing days injuries and not weight as the weight is fairly quickly shed down to a point where the frame can handle it.

Emtman literally tore his knees to pieces, his muscles were so developed.

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