CDC new MASKLESS update

Speaking only for myself, when I use the term "mainstream media," I'm referring to the big media outlets. Fox News, CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, Yahoo, etc. I make no distinction of their political leanings because they're the same animal. Shock grabbing headlines aimed at a specific base designed to stir things up. News isn't about reporting facts anymore, it's about views, likes, and tweets.

Same with politicians. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter. They're the same people, with the same personality types, from the same schools, with the same motives. They're liars. All of them. Not 90%. 100%. The American political system is not entirely different the WWE. All of their interactions are scripted and choreographed.
It’s not canceling it is boycotting .

No, it's not. He was trending on Twitter forever regarding this. Spotify employees are threatening to quit because they can't handle it. Their fee fees get hurt and they want him cancelled.
Joe should just keep being Joe. It’s not like he doesn’t already have generational wealth.

And let’s not forget how successful that boycott of Goya Beans went. Their revenue went through the roof

It’s called the law of unintended consequences. The invisible hand of capitalism always wins.
Also interesting now we are being primed to protect against 'variants'. The SaaS model for continual upgrades moves to pharmaceuticals....

Nah - nothing to see here. It's about the altruism and goodness. No cash involved whatsoever.

(I typed that with a straight face, btw).
We aren’t being “primed” they have always talked about variants . Are you saying they don’t exist?
Joe should just keep being Joe. It’s not like he doesn’t already have generational wealth.

And let’s not forget how successful that boycott of Goya Beans went. Their revenue went through the roof

It’s called the law of unintended consequences. The invisible hand of capitalism always wins.
Not sure the pillow guy would agree . Not sure Brian Kemp saw mlb as a win for him. Not sure delta just wants to donate and shut up .

But I generally agree that canceling isn’t the best option, being cancel culturous when it comes to not going to games because one has to show they are vaccinated .WSU football like Goya will go on.
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We aren’t being “primed” they have always talked about variants . Are you saying they don’t exist?
You said that. There are a bunch of variants on the SARS-COV2 virus already.

The Weinsteins touched on that if one is so inclined to actually listen to their position.

How much should we worry about variants?

If you’re not a scientist, not so much. “One thing that might help people worry a little bit less is that there are thousands of variants of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in the population,” Rasmussen says, and only a handful are “variants of concern.”

So, no, not too worried about thousands of variants of something that statistically is about the same probability of of dying from than getting hit by lightning. But, where there's a will to make money, there's a way.
So now is using “mainstream media” essentially the M-word to those keeping track of such foolishness as the redefinition of words?

Any time something becomes so common that everyone knows the implication is as soon as it's written or said, it takes on a different level of scrutiny. I have yet to see someone use the term "mainstream media" and follow it up with anything other than looney tunes right wing "fake news" that is so biased to the right that it's not only off the road but out of the other side of the ditch.

Again, I'm not beholden to Democrats at all. I don't like the way that they pander to minorities for votes. Although I have grown to be generally supportive of LGBTQ rights......I hate the idea of transgender boys participating in girl's athletics. The discussions of $15 or $20 per hour federal minimum wage are stupid. "Free college" is dumb. I think it makes a lot of sense to show an ID when you vote. Personally, I believe that English should be the official language of our country. I would prefer that people stand for the national anthem. I believe that the majority of police shootings are justified and necessary.

I get the frustration with the left.....but since 2012, I've found that I identify less and less with the GOP and it's self-centered, me-first, screw everyone else messaging. Mainstream media gets it wrong at times, but the far right media gets it wrong most of the time. Both suck though.
Thats actually hilarious. Joe Rogan says woke culture is trying to silence white men. Now the woke culture is freaking out and trying to silence Joe Rogan for what he said.

Clown world.

Cancel culture is cancer.

It's important to remember that people only care about "cancel culture" when it is counter to their world view. I saw all sorts of Republicans actively working to "cancel" Colin Kaepernick for having the audacity to quietly kneel on the sidelines. When Ellen came out as gay, the religious right wanted her fired. The Dixie Chicks watched their careers crumble for criticizing our involvement in Iraq. Dumbasses started saying "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries because the French didn't think we should have been getting involved in Iraq. Janet Jackson fell off the face of the earth for the crime of exposing a nipple. Every time a major company announces support for a "liberal" ideal, conservatives call for boycotts.

In other words, bitching about cancel culture by the left is an exercise in hypocrisy. BTW, to hell with Joe Rogan. He's been a boring old has been for several years now. He's slowly turning into a parody of himself.
Any time something becomes so common that everyone knows the implication is as soon as it's written or said, it takes on a different level of scrutiny. I have yet to see someone use the term "mainstream media" and follow it up with anything other than looney tunes right wing "fake news" that is so biased to the right that it's not only off the road but out of the other side of the ditch.

Again, I'm not beholden to Democrats at all. I don't like the way that they pander to minorities for votes. Although I have grown to be generally supportive of LGBTQ rights......I hate the idea of transgender boys participating in girl's athletics. The discussions of $15 or $20 per hour federal minimum wage are stupid. "Free college" is dumb. I think it makes a lot of sense to show an ID when you vote. Personally, I believe that English should be the official language of our country. I would prefer that people stand for the national anthem. I believe that the majority of police shootings are justified and necessary.

I get the frustration with the left.....but since 2012, I've found that I identify less and less with the GOP and it's self-centered, me-first, screw everyone else messaging. Mainstream media gets it wrong at times, but the far right media gets it wrong most of the time. Both suck though.
2012 was the year Leach began recruiting too many lineman.

Conveniently left out the cancelation of Robert Barber by the racist SCB at WSU. Acquitted by Whitman County jury but denied counsel by SCB.
Any time something becomes so common that everyone knows the implication is as soon as it's written or said, it takes on a different level of scrutiny. I have yet to see someone use the term "mainstream media" and follow it up with anything other than looney tunes right wing "fake news" that is so biased to the right that it's not only off the road but out of the other side of the ditch.

Again, I'm not beholden to Democrats at all. I don't like the way that they pander to minorities for votes. Although I have grown to be generally supportive of LGBTQ rights......I hate the idea of transgender boys participating in girl's athletics. The discussions of $15 or $20 per hour federal minimum wage are stupid. "Free college" is dumb. I think it makes a lot of sense to show an ID when you vote. Personally, I believe that English should be the official language of our country. I would prefer that people stand for the national anthem. I believe that the majority of police shootings are justified and necessary.

I get the frustration with the left.....but since 2012, I've found that I identify less and less with the GOP and it's self-centered, me-first, screw everyone else messaging. Mainstream media gets it wrong at times, but the far right media gets it wrong most of the time. Both suck though.
You'll get a lot further with your discussions on this board if you stop assuming that everyone here that leans right is one of your neighbors, who apparently are all right wing nut jobs. I'm puzzled why you continue to live in a place you loathe so much - you spoken directly about mouth-breathers, racists, right-wing nut jobs; basically you're surrounded by the dregs of society, everywhere you turn there is a white hood and a cross burning with a bunch of Trump supporters holding a rally in the street. So why stay? America is a big place, and places like SF, Seattle and Portland sound a little more your speed.
It's important to remember that people only care about "cancel culture" when it is counter to their world view. I saw all sorts of Republicans actively working to "cancel" Colin Kaepernick for having the audacity to quietly kneel on the sidelines. When Ellen came out as gay, the religious right wanted her fired. The Dixie Chicks watched their careers crumble for criticizing our involvement in Iraq. Dumbasses started saying "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries because the French didn't think we should have been getting involved in Iraq. Janet Jackson fell off the face of the earth for the crime of exposing a nipple. Every time a major company announces support for a "liberal" ideal, conservatives call for boycotts.

In other words, bitching about cancel culture by the left is an exercise in hypocrisy. BTW, to hell with Joe Rogan. He's been a boring old has been for several years now. He's slowly turning into a parody of himself.
"Be less white" - a corporate "liberal idea" that lasted about a day in the news cycle. I wonder what would have happened if the mantra was flipped...

Oh and speaking of hypocrites, its funny you should mention CK. The guy literally has a soapbox he can preach from every week in the form of a press conference, yet he choses to make a public display of his protestation. He is the literal embodiment of millenial activism - "Look at me, I'm taking a stance" "Look at me, I'm bringing attention to this issue". He's the Susan G Komen of social activism. And of course, todays generation just eats that up, because they are all just like him - seeking public affirmation.

Let me give you a counter example: Dame Lillard put on his mask and marched with protestors last summer in Portland. He didn't tell anyone he was doing it, he just showed up. There is action behind his conviction, not just more press conferences drawing more attention to the person than the issue. Kaep gobbled that shit up because he thought it was going to pan out in him landing another job - ooops!
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"Be less white" - a corporate "liberal idea" that lasted about a day in the news cycle. I wonder what would have happened if the mantra was flipped...

Oh and speaking of hypocrites, its funny you should mention CK. The guy literally has a soapbox he can preach from every week in the form of a press conference, yet he choses to make a public display of his protestation. He is the literal embodiment of millenial activism - "Look at me, I'm taking a stance" "Look at me, I'm bringing attention to this issue". He's the Susan G Komen of social activism. And of course, todays generation just eats that up, because they are all just like him - seeking public affirmation.

Let me give you a counter example: Dame Lillard put on his mask and marched with protestors last summer in Portland. He didn't tell anyone he was doing it, he just showed up. There is action behind his conviction, not just more press conferences drawing more attention to the person than the issue. Kaep gobbled that shit up because he thought it was going to pan out in him landing another job - ooops!
John Carlos, Tommy Smith and Muhammad Ali all protested . Same thing was said about them as you say about CK .

No one knew he was doing it until the press picked up on it . Since then the commissioner has done a 180
How much should we worry about variants?
If you’re not a scientist, not so much. “One thing that might help people worry a little bit less is that there are thousands of variants of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in the population,” Rasmussen says, and only a handful are “variants of concern.”

So, no, not too worried about thousands of variants of something that statistically is about the same probability of of dying from than getting hit by lightning. But, where there's a will to make money, there's a way.

This is exactly right. Last number of variants I saw was something over 1,800. CDC tracks the prevalence of the most common 19 variants, and lumps the next 200 into "other." But the very nature of viral reproduction means that there are a ton of variants. If you look at the whole viral genome, there probably aren't 2 people who get exactly the same infection. The identified variants are lumped together based on those that have mutations in common on particular viral proteins. In the end, most viral mutations are not advantageous to the virus, and those either die out or spread slowly.

But, in all the press about these scary new variants, they twist the statistics to freak people out. The general COVID infection mortality rate (the number who die divided by the number infected) seems to be somewhere in the ballpark of 0.4-0.7%. For purposes of illustration, we'll say it's 0.5%, and we'll say that's for the "original" strain. The UK strain (which is now dominant) has a mortality of 0.75%. Both are quite low. But the way that's being reported now is that the UK strain is 50% more deadly than the original. While that's mathematically true, it completely neglects the fact that more than 99% of those infected by either strain will survive.

As for the lightning comparison, you're a little off. NWS estimates the chances of getting hit by lightning in a given year in the US at 1 in 1.22 million. Odds of dying from COVID (based on current numbers) are about 1 in 565.

Again, I'm not beholden to Democrats at all. I don't like the way that they pander to minorities for votes. Although I have grown to be generally supportive of LGBTQ rights......I hate the idea of transgender boys participating in girl's athletics. The discussions of $15 or $20 per hour federal minimum wage are stupid. "Free college" is dumb. I think it makes a lot of sense to show an ID when you vote. Personally, I believe that English should be the official language of our country. I would prefer that people stand for the national anthem. I believe that the majority of police shootings are justified and necessary.

I'd agree with most of this too. I'd be willing to entertain the idea of a sliding scale of costs based on selected program though - tuition waivers for programs in high need fields, and only at the community college and trade school level.
You'll get a lot further with your discussions on this board if you stop assuming that everyone here that leans right is one of your neighbors, who apparently are all right wing nut jobs. I'm puzzled why you continue to live in a place you loathe so much - you spoken directly about mouth-breathers, racists, right-wing nut jobs; basically you're surrounded by the dregs of society, everywhere you turn there is a white hood and a cross burning with a bunch of Trump supporters holding a rally in the street. So why stay? America is a big place, and places like SF, Seattle and Portland sound a little more your speed.

I stay here because I make six figures per year and I'll have plenty of money to retire wherever I want to in the not too distant future. FWIW, as long as politics aren't discussed.....people here are great. They just get a little squirrely when it comes to politics and religion.

If you read my earlier post......I'm not a flag flying liberal. I'm just tired of the lies and hypocrisy of the GOP these days. I've been a registered Republican for 30+ years but I've been drifting from the party since the rise of the tea party idiots in 2012. I will not be registering as a democrat anytime soon.

EDIT: I don't assume everyone here is like the conservatives in Kansas....but anyone who uses the term "mainstream media" while trying to make a point is setting themselves to be viewed negatively by those that don't buy into the hysteria being stirred up by OAN and similar fringe media sources.
Never once in my life have heard the 'mainstream media' as anything other than CNN, NBC, Fox, ABC, CBS.

If that's the new dog whistle,whatever. That's not my line of thinking and I"m about as down the middle as anyone out there. Have made exactly one political contribution in my life and that was for my neighbor's campaign. Stay entirely away from party politics for any number of reasons.

Or is that just a redefintion of terms - hard to keep track these days.
2012 was the year Leach began recruiting too many lineman.

Conveniently left out the cancelation of Robert Barber by the racist SCB at WSU. Acquitted by Whitman County jury but denied counsel by SCB.
Just out of curiosity ... was barber the dude that cold cocked a guy ?
You said that. There are a bunch of variants on the SARS-COV2 virus already.

The Weinsteins touched on that if one is so inclined to actually listen to their position.

How much should we worry about variants?

If you’re not a scientist, not so much. “One thing that might help people worry a little bit less is that there are thousands of variants of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in the population,” Rasmussen says, and only a handful are “variants of concern.”

So, no, not too worried about thousands of variants of something that statistically is about the same probability of of dying from than getting hit by lightning. But, where there's a will to make money, there's a way.
So you agree there are more aggressive variants out there , correct ? Did you read the whole article . The doc clearly says don’t worrying about the variants and the best course of action is to mask up and vaccinate .

Which is interesting you and others are hesitant and worry about the side affects . Vaccines are like a condemn, they don’t let the virus connect or dock. They have had vaccine platforms for ever. Unlike other drugs that are aggressively attacking something , a cancer drug for example that requires the general warning. It is strange people will take drugs that have some risk but the vaccine is using a platform that has shown to be safe . But it is what it is . And if one of the variant mutates I guess we will have to deal with it at that time .
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It's important to remember that people only care about "cancel culture" when it is counter to their world view. I saw all sorts of Republicans actively working to "cancel" Colin Kaepernick for having the audacity to quietly kneel on the sidelines. When Ellen came out as gay, the religious right wanted her fired. The Dixie Chicks watched their careers crumble for criticizing our involvement in Iraq. Dumbasses started saying "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries because the French didn't think we should have been getting involved in Iraq. Janet Jackson fell off the face of the earth for the crime of exposing a nipple. Every time a major company announces support for a "liberal" ideal, conservatives call for boycotts.

In other words, bitching about cancel culture by the left is an exercise in hypocrisy. BTW, to hell with Joe Rogan. He's been a boring old has been for several years now. He's slowly turning into a parody of himself.

I don't think as many people wanted Colin cancelled as you think, it's more so they didn't want his shitty politics thrown into a place where they go to get away like watching a football game. Trump even said if you believe there is someone that is in jail or being prosecuted wrongfully come talk to me we will look into it. I mean hell, Kim Kardashian did this and Trump helped them out but NO ONE from the NFL or NBA did this.

I think you are way over blowing the differences in cancel cultures from 5-15+ years ago to now.

Janet Jacksons nipple slip was the only good thing from that super bowl.
I stay here because I make six figures per year and I'll have plenty of money to retire wherever I want to in the not too distant future. FWIW, as long as politics aren't discussed.....people here are great. They just get a little squirrely when it comes to politics and religion.

If you read my earlier post......I'm not a flag flying liberal. I'm just tired of the lies and hypocrisy of the GOP these days. I've been a registered Republican for 30+ years but I've been drifting from the party since the rise of the tea party idiots in 2012. I will not be registering as a democrat anytime soon.

EDIT: I don't assume everyone here is like the conservatives in Kansas....but anyone who uses the term "mainstream media" while trying to make a point is setting themselves to be viewed negatively by those that don't buy into the hysteria being stirred up by OAN and similar fringe media sources.
Well, the way you speak to the people you are replying to sounds like you make a lot of assumptions. Just saying.
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I don't think as many people wanted Colin cancelled as you think, it's more so they didn't want his shitty politics thrown into a place where they go to get away like watching a football game. Trump even said if you believe there is someone that is in jail or being prosecuted wrongfully come talk to me we will look into it. I mean hell, Kim Kardashian did this and Trump helped them out but NO ONE from the NFL or NBA did this.

I think you are way over blowing the differences in cancel cultures from 5-15+ years ago to now.

Janet Jacksons nipple slip was the only good thing from that super bowl.
Just the leader if the country who sorta sets the tone and agenda . Other than that, nothing to see here.
I don't think as many people wanted Colin cancelled as you think, it's more so they didn't want his shitty politics thrown into a place where they go to get away like watching a football game. Trump even said if you believe there is someone that is in jail or being prosecuted wrongfully come talk to me we will look into it. I mean hell, Kim Kardashian did this and Trump helped them out but NO ONE from the NFL or NBA did this.

I think you are way over blowing the differences in cancel cultures from 5-15+ years ago to now.

Janet Jacksons nipple slip was the only good thing from that super bowl.
CK was another media creation, and both sides seized on it. On the left, they glorified him for taking a stand. On the right, they belittled him for disrespecting the flag. But if the press hadn’t chosen to focus on it, nobody would have even noticed.

In reality, I think all the hubbub was ridiculous. For one thing, how often do you see players sitting on the bench getting final coaching notes while the anthem plays? (Frequently) How many players do you see with a hand on their heart, facing the flag, singing along? (Rarely). How many people in the stands continue walking to their seats with a beer and nachos while it plays? How many already drunk fans are taking a leak while it plays? How many people watching from home stay seated on the couch? Are those forms of disregard somehow less disrespectful? Where is the line?

Second - and even more crucially, I think - the veterans I know didn’t object to what he was doing. Quite the opposite - they’ve said that part of what the flag represents is his right to protest. Forcing him to stand for the anthem really flies in the face of what the flag is supposed to represent.

What it’s really done is created a flashpoint that gave him years of exposure, and completely buried the fact that his performance on the field didn’t support his demands. He couldn’t beat out frickin’ Blaine Gabbert for the starting job his last two seasons, and he’d had multiple surgeries. If he’d swallowed his pride and accepted a backup position, come down from his $20M+ salary demand, and played his way back to a starting role, he’d probably be on a roster.
If he’d swallowed his pride and accepted a backup position, come down from his $20M+ salary demand, and played his way back to a starting role, he’d probably be on a roster.
Naaaaaaah. Why do that when you can do THIS:

Well, the way you speak to the people you are replying to sounds like you make a lot of assumptions. Just saying.

The way that you read things leads you to make a lot of assumptions about what other people are assuming? I see a lot of BS on here about projecting....but you don't have any problem projecting sh!t on to me and other people. While you are lecturing....take a good long look in the mirror first.
2012 was the year Leach began recruiting too many lineman.

Conveniently left out the cancelation of Robert Barber by the racist SCB at WSU. Acquitted by Whitman County jury but denied counsel by SCB.

By the hell with Robert Barber. All he proved is that Coug fans are no different than UW fans. Football players can pull whatever kind of sh!t that they want as long as they are wearing the right jersey.
By the hell with Robert Barber. All he proved is that Coug fans are no different than UW fans. Football players can pull whatever kind of sh!t that they want as long as they are wearing the right jersey.

He did win his case regarding expulsion from school. The SCB totally messed up. Barber was charged with second degree assault and acquitted by a jury.

But your moral outrage is again noted.
He did win his case regarding expulsion from school. The SCB totally messed up. Barber was charged with second degree assault and acquitted by a jury.

But your moral outrage is again noted.

It doesn't matter what happened with his case. He was a 280 lb dude beating the crap out of a dude 100 lbs lighter. I have no sympathy for that guy and every one of our players that decided to be flaming dillholes that summer. For all the talk about what a disciplinarian that Leach is, we had way too many guys doing idiotic things that year. Shoplifting, robbery, assaults.......there was something bad in the water that summer.
It doesn't matter what happened with his case. He was a 280 lb dude beating the crap out of a dude 100 lbs lighter. I have no sympathy for that guy and every one of our players that decided to be flaming dillholes that summer. For all the talk about what a disciplinarian that Leach is, we had way too many guys doing idiotic things that year. Shoplifting, robbery, assaults.......there was something bad in the water that summer.
So he's a bad person therefore he doesn't have the right to due process? And the real monsters are those who advocate for things like due process, a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence?
It doesn't matter what happened with his case. He was a 280 lb dude beating the crap out of a dude 100 lbs lighter. I have no sympathy for that guy and every one of our players that decided to be flaming dillholes that summer. For all the talk about what a disciplinarian that Leach is, we had way too many guys doing idiotic things that year. Shoplifting, robbery, assaults.......there was something bad in the water that summer.

You may have heard that due process is a constitutional right.
So he's a bad person therefore he doesn't have the right to due process? And the real monsters are those who advocate for things like due process, a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence?
So Kafusi and others who were booted off were given due process ?
Flat brings his own experience with athletes into this & it’s crystal clear.
And if he got the crap kicked out of him by a football player that means exactly what? Some people stand up against bullies . Some think they are cool and watch them on Instagram.

Ask Rudy Tomjonvich’s family what it is like to run into Kermit Washington’s fist and the surgeries afterward.

And Kermit was a really nice guy .
You may have heard that due process is a constitutional right.

I don't really care that he wasn't found guilty of assault. There was video of him beating the crap out of some guy on the ground. I expect better of our football team than what they did that summer. Just because he didn't go to jail doesn't mean that he wasn't 100% in the wrong that day.

FWIW, if it was a UW player, y'all would be talking smack about the jury being filled by UW students that only cared about football.
So he's a bad person therefore he doesn't have the right to due process? And the real monsters are those who advocate for things like due process, a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence?

Again, I don't care about the criminal case. I don't want WSU to be represented by idiots that go out and get in fights while they are bored in the middle of the summer.
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Flat brings his own experience with athletes into this & it’s crystal clear.
Seems to me he just doesn't want things on the team who beat on kids half their size.

As usual, you are projecting.

And playing college football is a privilege not a right. Robert Barber can go F himself.
And if he got the crap kicked out of him by a football player that means exactly what? Some people stand up against bullies . Some think they are cool and watch them on Instagram.

Ask Rudy Tomjonvich’s family what it is like to run into Kermit Washington’s fist and the surgeries afterward.

And Kermit was a really nice guy .
Kermit punched Rudy T, just 10 days before Jim Walden was hired as head coach.

Fortunately Jim Walden learned many lessons at Nebraska and at WSU he ran a clean program of no assaults, no MeToo incidents, and academic elegance that was handed off to Dennis Erickson.

Unfortunately Jim Walden had the worst career W-L record in college football of any WSU head football coach
I expect better of our football team than what they did that summer.
Unfortunately, I don't. I wish that this type of behavior didn't happen, but I don't expect better. 17-25 year old men make bad choices, and when you add in testosterone, popularity, fame, money, it only exacerbates things.

Insurance companies figured this out a long time ago. Don't bet on hormonal young men, and in this case, don't expect the big men on campus to pull back in a fight and take the high road. Many, if not most of these kids haven't had any male role models in their lives to speak of.
Kermit punched Rudy T, just 10 days before Jim Walden was hired as head coach.

Fortunately Jim Walden learned many lessons at Nebraska and at WSU he ran a clean program of no assaults, no MeToo incidents, and academic elegance that was handed off to Dennis Erickson.

Unfortunately Jim Walden had the worst career W-L record in college football of any WSU head football coach
And this is relevant how Yaki ? Yep Walden let Millard and Junior Tupolo and other get away with a lot .

I was in class with Kermit’s sister . So that means I was in class with her 10 days before Walden was hired.
I wouldn't be surprised to see, if certain people had taken the opposite position to start out with, many of the same people arguing against them while taking the opposite position. Same thing if the discussion topic was WSU's athletics budget, the price of gas, who is on the right side of the current Middle East conflict, or whatever.

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