Chauca signs with Cal


Hall Of Fame
Sep 28, 2007
Chauca signed with Cal today. It is too bad as this is the worst place he could have signed basketball wise.He will not do well playing for Counzo Martin. Counzo Martin likes a slower paced game and a smaller gusrd not possesseing extreme quickness or great jumping ability will have problems adjusting
I really like our freshman ,Ny Redding better. He was first string all state .POY defensively and shot 53% and 89 % from the FT line,I wanted Chauca as a backup PG. It seems like Kent may be pursuing a juco 5'11 PG who averaged 28 pts. However this guy was just offered by Tennessee. The game goes on and we will see how the first year ends up
I really hope that we save the scholarships for next year. I want CEK to have a full recruiting cycle. I don't want a player who just fills in for this years class.
Originally posted by bhamm03:

I really hope that we save the scholarships for next year. I want CEK to have a full recruiting cycle. I don't want a player who just fills in for this years class.
Agreed. Chauca would have been the nice new shiny toy, but I believe Kent can recruit a better player the next recruiting cycle.
There are a few really good players left. i rather Kent fill these two slots. Next year,he will have from 3-5 slots.There are graduating seniors and a couple of guys who will probably transfer as they see the handwriting on the wall The cougs now have 4 guards,Lacy,Ike,Davis and Redding. The bigs have Cheatum,Railey,Canty and possibly Longrus. After that there is little to choose from. So it would be nice to add a couple of options. The problem with recruiting this year as the past staff had wasted time recruiting players not of D 1 caliber. They were used to being bottom feeders and looked at those players. So Kent had to quickly identify players and recruit them on little notice. it is hard to establish a good rapport in a couple of weeks time.However,the talent mentioned with good coaching has a chance to get into post season play. So an additional PG and another big man would really help.
According to BX, you got your wish

A point guard for this class has verballed to WSU and Kent.