My understanding is that a college scholarship is a 4 year offer that can only be taken away due to failed academics, injury, or if you entered under a redshirt status (it can be rescinded the following year).. I say this in wondering whether we haven’t seen official announcements for all soon to be signed players because they are attempting to push someone out the door. ie.. the player doesn’t have to give up his scholarship if they want to stay. Obviously the coach can hold over their head the fact that they won’t be on the team or be playing at all, but I know of at least 2 situations where players elected to stay and coach was stuck. Not sure if this factors into our thinking of who may be out, but there are a few names who would qualify to have their scholarships taken. The wait could be in an attempt to keep those players and hope for a different resolution.. It could also be possible that there are players who may qualify for a full financial aid package based on income.. Getting them the financial aid package would make the scholarship unnecessary. This has been used on occasion to skirt the rule as well. These would just be possible answers for why an official announcement hasn’t been made.. These hoops take time to jump through..