I saw this ESPN Bill Connolly article on Brand Y. Although it is about the entire NCAA football, it is related to the topic of next season's Pac 12 race.
USC, Stanford, Arizona and CAL return a lot. UCLA is in the 60's. ASU, OSU. WSU and Oregon are grouped together in the 70's and 80's.
The uw, CU, and Utah are in the hundreds. Look where Utah is.
I ask again, why does replacing a QB and WR's supposedly hurt WSU more than the rest of the conference? I remember making this same exact point last season when the same old "experts" had replacing Minshew and impossible task and two years ago when replacing Falk, Morrow, Johnson-Mack, etc.
Part of this is the experts viewing WSU thru the Lens of the Erickson/Mike Price era of WSU football.
Back then, a QB, WR loss meant 1,2,3 bad years after 1 good year, before another good year when had a good QB, WR, etc again, followed by that QB, WR leaving, and the next 1,2,3 seasons bad before another good season, rinse, wash, repeat.
Leach changed that. But 7 years of SUCCESSFUL PLUG AND PLAY, wont change the so called experts perception thats still back in the Price Era. It would take 13 to 17 straight years of successful plug and play before experts got out of the Mike Price past, and into the now.
The next part for those experts who are more aware, is that they wonder if Rolo will be more like Mike Price, or if he can continue Leach successful plug and play.
Many experts wont believe WSU/Rolo able to continue Leach successful plug and play until if Rolo does it
As far as the why does it hurt WSU more part.
Again that goes back to Mike Price Era. Back then, rosters were RAZOR THIN, and it took 3,4,5 years to develop a QB, WR, and if 1 left, there wasnt a replacement that could do well next season.
That Hurt WSU more. Other teams back then had way more DEVELOPED DEPTH, EXPERIENCE, etc, then WSU, so another Pac 12 team losing its QB, WR, didnt hurt them as much as it hurt WSU.
The exception was, is Ore St, who was, is in pretty much same kind of boat as WSU.
They the experts dont recognize that today's WSU roster is DEEPER, more consistently developed, experienced then in the Price Years, thanks to leach.
And again for those who are aware, they again worry if Rolo can keep it going.
For those who say but then why dint they worry about Lake, etc, keeping it going at UW?
UW, etc, historically has a history of plug and playing coaches(Some UW coaches were plug and play, some werent(But the perception is that UW can plug and play coaches), so that why the experts think UW wont miss a beat under Lake, but wonder if Rolo can keep it going for WSU.
What the experts dont see, and ED doesnt see as well, that Rolo will likely keep it going for at least 1,2,3 years on Leach's Roster alone, similar to Doba in 2003. Doba INHERITED Price's roster, and had 2 good years because of that, before starting to tank.
ED, and the Experts cite Leach going 3-9, worse then Wulf did the year before, but they dont realize the DUMPSTER FIRE that Leach INHERITED that had to FIX. If Leach had inherited the Roster that he is leaving Rolo, Leach would have gotten 6,7,8 wins, plug and play, just like Doba had a awesome year with Mike Price's roster in 2003.
But the ED, and the experts dont get that. Their heads are stuck in the Mike Price years, and thats why ED, and the experts will pick WSU last or close to last, which wont change until if WSU has 13 to 17 straight years of successful plug and play, because thats what it would take for the experts to not perenially pick WSU either last or close to last.