Doesn't this reminds you of the not so good old days!


Hall Of Fame
Sep 5, 2010
In the good old days, the Cougs had virtually no chance to compete. Prior to 1977, there were no scholarship limits and no revenue sharing. The rich schools like USC just Hoovered up the talent. They had players who never suited up, who were recruited simply to keep the likes of WSU from signing them. There was also the NCAA's version of the "reserve" clause, making transferring virtually none existent. Also we got to play USC away and away. We went 30 years effectively without a home game against them. The UW was little better. We got to host them in Spokane, or not at all. So when you look back at Sweeney and Clark's W-L records keep that in mind.

I'm just glad that for a time the Cougs were given a chance (neutral conference scheduling, shared TV revenue, and an 85 scholarship limit), we stuck it out with the recruiting highs and lows of Mike Price, and we got to the Rose Bowl twice as a result. I just don't see us having a similar chance to compete anytime soon.
In the good old days, the Cougs had virtually no chance to compete. Prior to 1977, there were no scholarship limits and no revenue sharing. The rich schools like USC just Hoovered up the talent. They had players who never suited up, who were recruited simply to keep the likes of WSU from signing them. There was also the NCAA's version of the "reserve" clause, making transferring virtually none existent. Also we got to play USC away and away. We went 30 years effectively without a home game against them. The UW was little better. We got to host them in Spokane, or not at all. So when you look back at Sweeney and Clark's W-L records keep that in mind.

I'm just glad that for a time the Cougs were given a chance (neutral conference scheduling, shared TV revenue, and an 85 scholarship limit), we stuck it out with the recruiting highs and lows of Mike Price, and we got to the Rose Bowl twice as a result. I just don't see us having a similar chance to compete anytime soon.
This is at the core of why I've found it hard to care. Even in the '70s at least we PLAYED the big boys, and maybe something crazy would happen. Now we're going to be fighting for scraps at the kids table and any talent we find or develop will immediately bolt, and kids buried on the depth chart at power schools are our only other resource. Bleak

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