I'm sure all you frat rats will condemn me for this thread, but too bad. I forget whether Theta Chi is the "date rapers" or "wife beaters" frat (my ex was a sorority girl, so I know some of the nicknames), but never mind.
WTF. How can a 19 year old at WSU kill himself? F-you Theta Chi. Maybe I should go rogue and show up and shoot all you f-ers. That would be some hazing, eh?
WTF. How can a 19 year old at WSU kill himself? F-you Theta Chi. Maybe I should go rogue and show up and shoot all you f-ers. That would be some hazing, eh?

Luke Tyler’s family release statement, which mentions alleged hazing
In a statement provided by Luke Tyler’s family they said they are working with authorities to determine why he committed suicide on Jan. 22 and mentioned alleged hazing at Theta Chi fraternity. “As we are preparing for Luke Tyler’s Celebration of Life, we continue to be grateful for the immense...

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