Florida Gators bans cheer


Oct 15, 2018
and the clap due to racist historic ties. Good for them

I think our cheer is ok. I am not sure when our Jaws theme launched. Was it Palouse Posse
and the clap due to racist historic ties. Good for them

I think our cheer is ok. I am not sure when our Jaws theme launched. Was it Palouse Posse
It was popularized with the Posse. That was roughly the time the band started learning how to play something other than the fight song, Fat Bottom Girls, and Land of a Thousand Dances.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing it retired, or at least mothballed. The only defense we’ve had that could even be mentioned in the same sentence with the Posse was 2003. The rest really don’t deserve any comparison.
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No..... think it starts in the mid 80’s

The Feed Them to Butch Jaws Chomp was a spectacular failure in the mid-80s. Rally Squad members would plead with the crowd to chant "Feed Them To Butch" and do the chomp motion. It was horrific.

The Jaws theme was from UNLV rocking in basketball with Tark the Shark. UNLV played that tune at their home games.

Somehow the lame Feed Them to Butch got married up with the Jaws theme long about '90/'91/92'ish. Torey Hunter was about the first on the field who really got into it as I recall, almost mockingly. Then the rest of the squad picked it up over the next couple years. By Posse time, it became their trademark.
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The Feed Them to Butch Jaws Chomp was a spectacular failure in the mid-80s. Rally Squad members would plead with the crowd to chant "Feed Them To Butch" and do the chomp motion. It was horrific.

The Jaws theme was from UNLV rocking in basketball with Tark the Shark. UNLV played that tune at their home games.

Somehow the lame Feed Them to Butch got married up with the Jaws theme long about '90/'91/92'ish. Torey Hunter was about the first on the field who really got into it as I recall, almost mockingly. Then the rest of the squad picked it up over the next couple years. By Posse time, it became their trademark.
I think I’m mostly alone but I’ve always hated the chomp. Never done it. Never will.
I think I’m mostly alone but I’ve always hated the chomp. Never done it. Never will.
No, I'm with you. Always struck me as a ripoff of UF. It would be like playing Enter Sandman for an entrance song. Just my opinion.
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I remember "and that's another Cougar first down' in the 80s at Martin. Now everybody does it. If we don't get credit for it, (not sure if first) then keep on doing jaws chomp.
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The shaking of keys is still awesome and if it did start in Pullman, has been ripped off across the country
and the clap due to racist historic ties. Good for them

I think our cheer is ok. I am not sure when our Jaws theme launched. Was it Palouse Posse

Don't really care what Florida and their fans do or don't do. That being said, from what I could find online this practice and phrase was more of a yellow journalism revenue generator (think 1920's click bait) than an actual practice that was widespread; in fact, it was very rare if it happened at all. And I say that because most of the reporting of it seems to be second hand. This is getting to the point that anything that has ever been associated with the slavery or racism will be cancelled due to guilt by association. Make no doubt, WSU will have their own cancelling of something sooner than later, and if its something that is truly racist I'm all for it. However, that's not what we're seeing now.

I saw another tweet about how few counties are named for Black leaders, and in this day and atmosphere the response is outrage and demands for change. However, most counties were made and named at least 100 years ago, when our country was much different. I don't know the solution to going back and changing history to be less racist or not racist at all, and I'm for sure not apologizing for it, but the slope that we are on is very slippery. For example, the fact that making a circle with your thumb and forefinger is now racist - you know, the "ok" sign? Because a couple of idiots online or in northern Idaho came up with "oh, its a "w" and a "p", so white power!!" No shit, a HISPANIC long time utilities worker in San Diego was FIRED because someone took a picture of him in his truck and tweeted out that he was making the "white power" sign. According to him, he was fidgeting with his fingers, but that didn't keep him from being fired.

They toppled the GW statue in Portland earlier this week. How will we as a society reconcile the fact that most of our founding fathers were slave owners?
Don't really care what Florida and their fans do or don't do. That being said, from what I could find online this practice and phrase was more of a yellow journalism revenue generator (think 1920's click bait) than an actual practice that was widespread; in fact, it was very rare if it happened at all. And I say that because most of the reporting of it seems to be second hand. This is getting to the point that anything that has ever been associated with the slavery or racism will be cancelled due to guilt by association. Make no doubt, WSU will have their own cancelling of something sooner than later, and if its something that is truly racist I'm all for it. However, that's not what we're seeing now.

I saw another tweet about how few counties are named for Black leaders, and in this day and atmosphere the response is outrage and demands for change. However, most counties were made and named at least 100 years ago, when our country was much different. I don't know the solution to going back and changing history to be less racist or not racist at all, and I'm for sure not apologizing for it, but the slope that we are on is very slippery. For example, the fact that making a circle with your thumb and forefinger is now racist - you know, the "ok" sign? Because a couple of idiots online or in northern Idaho came up with "oh, its a "w" and a "p", so white power!!" No shit, a HISPANIC long time utilities worker in San Diego was FIRED because someone took a picture of him in his truck and tweeted out that he was making the "white power" sign. According to him, he was fidgeting with his fingers, but that didn't keep him from being fired.

They toppled the GW statue in Portland earlier this week. How will we as a society reconcile the fact that most of our founding fathers were slave owners?

It's getting ridiculous. Vote for the "wrong" candidate you can get fired. Criticize Black Lives Matter in any way, fired.

Your kid likes watching Paw Patrol? Too bad. Cancelled because it features a dog as a Cop.

I'm sure I am leaving other examples of this insanity out.
Don't really care what Florida and their fans do or don't do. That being said, from what I could find online this practice and phrase was more of a yellow journalism revenue generator (think 1920's click bait) than an actual practice that was widespread; in fact, it was very rare if it happened at all. And I say that because most of the reporting of it seems to be second hand. This is getting to the point that anything that has ever been associated with the slavery or racism will be cancelled due to guilt by association. Make no doubt, WSU will have their own cancelling of something sooner than later, and if its something that is truly racist I'm all for it. However, that's not what we're seeing now.

I saw another tweet about how few counties are named for Black leaders, and in this day and atmosphere the response is outrage and demands for change. However, most counties were made and named at least 100 years ago, when our country was much different. I don't know the solution to going back and changing history to be less racist or not racist at all, and I'm for sure not apologizing for it, but the slope that we are on is very slippery. For example, the fact that making a circle with your thumb and forefinger is now racist - you know, the "ok" sign? Because a couple of idiots online or in northern Idaho came up with "oh, its a "w" and a "p", so white power!!" No shit, a HISPANIC long time utilities worker in San Diego was FIRED because someone took a picture of him in his truck and tweeted out that he was making the "white power" sign. According to him, he was fidgeting with his fingers, but that didn't keep him from being fired.

They toppled the GW statue in Portland earlier this week. How will we as a society reconcile the fact that most of our founding fathers were slave owners?
King county choose a new namesake back in the 90s. Before that it was named after Franklin Pierce's vice president, William King. But William King was a slaveholder, so he had to go. But it was also likely he was gay. But back in the 90's, being black was more important than being gay. Now, if we could just find a prominent gay, black woman named King, and rename it again ...
Agree with the '92 comments. I don't remember it before that year. I still have the 1993 football "feeding frenzy" poster.

Best poster ever!

I had that too...not sire what happened to it.

You can find an image that made up that poster on Google... Happy to post it here as I have it saved on my FB
Don't really care what Florida and their fans do or don't do. That being said, from what I could find online this practice and phrase was more of a yellow journalism revenue generator (think 1920's click bait) than an actual practice that was widespread; in fact, it was very rare if it happened at all. And I say that because most of the reporting of it seems to be second hand. This is getting to the point that anything that has ever been associated with the slavery or racism will be cancelled due to guilt by association. Make no doubt, WSU will have their own cancelling of something sooner than later, and if its something that is truly racist I'm all for it. However, that's not what we're seeing now.

I saw another tweet about how few counties are named for Black leaders, and in this day and atmosphere the response is outrage and demands for change. However, most counties were made and named at least 100 years ago, when our country was much different. I don't know the solution to going back and changing history to be less racist or not racist at all, and I'm for sure not apologizing for it, but the slope that we are on is very slippery. For example, the fact that making a circle with your thumb and forefinger is now racist - you know, the "ok" sign? Because a couple of idiots online or in northern Idaho came up with "oh, its a "w" and a "p", so white power!!" No shit, a HISPANIC long time utilities worker in San Diego was FIRED because someone took a picture of him in his truck and tweeted out that he was making the "white power" sign. According to him, he was fidgeting with his fingers, but that didn't keep him from being fired.

They toppled the GW statue in Portland earlier this week. How will we as a society reconcile the fact that most of our founding fathers were slave owners?

Apparently by mob rule.
Probably need to take good, hard look at banning certain religions here too. There's one in particular where owning black slaves is evidently still acceptable...
I am pretty anti religion as it causes so many problems, however I disagree with banning uncomfortable things. People suck. Go with that and you are likely right more than wrong.
I am pretty anti religion as it causes so many problems, however I disagree with banning uncomfortable things. People suck. Go with that and you are likely right more than wrong.
I hear you, MRI.
My post was tongue planted firmly in cheek. I was attempting to point out that if we look closely enough at our history, we can find something to be offended by in damn near everything....from syrup to cartoons to statues to religion.
It never ends....

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