79 understood . My bad . You mention how eastern Washington is not understood then I ask then you assume I know .
Values …. You have a daughter if I recall at wsu . I think same age as my youngest . I would imagine you have the same values I have when it came to nurturing and helping her grow into the person she is today . I would imagine you had similar values in having her respect those who are different, respect parents teacher and authorities . These are guess of mine but I think we probably share those values .
I think if you were in my neighborhood today and saw the 5 and three year old boys playing soccer, you would have said hello. Maybe even kick the soccer ball with them.
I imagine you have values that are like mine where we pay our bills on time. That we don’t buy anything we can’t afford . And you would do anything not to stiff another person on a bill. Those are probably universal values .
Lifestyle … I would imagine you probably do what I did last night . Go out with friends, have a nice dinner and a spirited convo like I did .
Yes I get eastern Washington’s needs are vastly different than the three major counties on the west side . And I do know number of votes matter . Fair? Like I said eastern wa should be married to Idaho . Not sure why the map was never redrawn .
And if that ever happened and wsu had to be moved .. move to lake Chelan 😜
Ed, yes there is common ground, shared values, etc.
But there are differences, and even in the Shared Values, there are different methodologies, views on those shared values.
And there are those that are moderate in their differences, methodologies, and there are those that are not, and of those who are not moderate, there are some that are semi extreme to extreme.
And some of those differences methodologies are not as important. But there are differences, methodologies that are BAD.
Ed, on a scale of 1-5, 1-10, where 1 is Conservative, 5 on 10 scale is Moderate, 5 on 5 scale, and 10 on 10 scale is liberal, you are about a 3.65 ish on the 1-5 scale, and about a 6.8 ish on the 10 scale.
But there are those, semi lots even who are 1's, 10's, etc, on that scale.
And that can be ok in a way, if they are tolerant, and semi not ok in way, because their way is wrong, doing great hurt, harm, etc.
There are racist conservatives, that have infrastructure fail, due to not spending, taxing even 1 penny, and that kick old grandma's to curbs, and that try to force, control everything, are not tolerant, and because of all that, can get violent, etc, but they are in MINORITY, and there are less of them then:
The far left, communist, socialist, Marxist, LIBTARD, that TAXES, SPENDS, INSANE LOT, that NANNY STATE CONTROL EVERYTHING, EVERYONE,believes in free speech as long as builds their agenda, but shuts down freedoms, free speech for everyone else, they RIOT, NOT protest, burn cities to ground(Ferguson, Baltimore), etc, their groups like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter(good, right thought, wrong, violent, controlling forceful, terroristic methodology, and ALL LIVES MATTER, including black lives, amd not just only black lives), ACORN, green peace(terror bombings of those that dont agree with their pro environment belief, chain themselves to trees to prevent logging, etc), etc, and they have created WAR ZONES(downtown Portland, Seattle, and their extreme political correctness, thought police, tearing down all statues, history destruction, etc.
Now both sides have about the same percent of insane minority on their sides, but since there are MORE liberals then conservatives, there are MORE insane liberals then insane conservatives.
Also even the insane conservatives, are less violent, etc, then the insane liberals.
And the other problem with insane liberals is that they are the semi somewhat semi popular, VOCAL minority that has a NARRATIVE, that has the overall liberal majority, side, in their power, control, which gives them MORE numbers then conservatives, which means that even if every moderate, and conservative voted, the liberals on the left, westside, controlled by the insane liberals, would still FORCE THEIR SHET on the moderates, conservatives on the East Side.
Also another difference between the insane conservatives, and the insane liberals, is that insane conservatives who have extreme views, tend to still believe the best way to further their extreme views is through voting, not thru violence, stopping speech, etc.
The insane LIBTARDS are way more violent, etc, then insane conservatives.
So Ed while there are shared values, common ground, the liberal side, usually does not want to focus on Shared Values, common ground between liberals, moderates, conservatives, and want to SJW(Social Justice Warrior), FORCE their liberal AGENDA(Whether it be Electric Cars, destroying dams, etc), on the Eastside moderates, conservatives.
Most of the more insane Westside liberals don't care about, don't give a damn about Eastside moderate and conservative lifestyles, culture, finding common ground, shared values, and only care about their insane liberal culture, lifestyle, agenda, etc, and forcing that upon the westside, Eastside moderates, conservatives.