What's the age demographic of those in the hospitals right now? It makes a difference when you're talking about how you handle an entire population and how you deal with a pandemic.
First, don't get me wrong, I didn't want to see the game cancelled today. As much as possible, we need to keep our world as close to normal as we can. However, if we have 30+ players that have been exposed that might have the virus, you just have to accept that the right thing to do is not play the game. The players are young but they interact with older adults. Those adults interact with other adults. It's far too easy for the virus to get out of hand where it's harming at-risk populations
My biggest frustration with the situation is that it's dumb that the Pac-12 waited until Nov. 7th to start. That pisses me off. There's no reason beyond cowardice that kept us from starting the first week of October. Larry Scott sucks.