the risk reward of having a qb not named Wilson do his best Wilson impression doesn't outweigh waiting for the 2nd or 3rd read or the safety valve to open up, especially if you can keep the defense honest with an actual running game (handing to the rb). Mainly I'm considering the risk of injury to the qb and actual yards usually gained.
Given my druthers and considering our (lack of) depth, I'd prefer the qb throw the ball away rather than run consistently.
Bleed, if its Pure Pocket Drop Back Pro Style Passer like a Bledsoe, Ryan Leaf, type, then yes your right, that the QB should throw it away, even in the Run and Shoot.
Price's 1 back, spread, passing offense, was somewhat semi similar to, had semi elements of both the Air Raid, Run and Shoot, and Spread Offenses. He had Pro Style, and running, hybrid QB's like Bledsoe, Leaf, Guesser.
Guesser was nowhere near the runner other QB's are, were, but Guesser BOTH threw it out of bounds, and scrambled, run, rolled out, etc.
Price never told Guesser "Dont run, always either throw it to your 1st, 2nd, 3rd reads, safety valve, or throw it away if there is nothing there."
Gesser would sometimes throw it out of bounds, throw it away, an sometimes run for a easy 4.3 to 7 yards, if it was there. If not, he threw it away. Typically Gesser checked his reads, then checked his safety valve, if something was there, he threw it. If not, then he would check to see if he coukd scramble, run for a easy 4 yards. If so, he took that 4 yards. If not, he threw it away, out of bounds.
There was room to do that in Price's offense. There is room to do that in Rolo's Run and Shoot.
1. Check Reads, Safety Valve.
2. Wait for things to develop until cant wait any longer, because if wait longer, then get sacked.
3. If something is there, throw the ball.
4. If something is not there. Dont wait longer, dont take the sack. Check to see if can scramble, run for a easy 4+ yard gain.
5. If can, scramble, run for 4+ yard gain.
6. If cant, dont take the sack, throw the ball away, preferrably out of bounds, if can.
That is what QB's in the Run and Shoot, should do.
Doing that spreads the Defense, makes the defense have to defend against yet another thing.
If just either throw it a WR, or wait too long, take a sack, throw it away, dont ever run, scramble, then that makes it easier on the Defense.
WSU offenses, QB's need to just take whatever is tbere, and Play according to the situation, scramble, run, pasd, throw it away, etc, whatever is best at the moment, according to the situation.