How good is WSU according to Pick SIx


Hall Of Fame
Dec 7, 2011
Interesting graphic. We're at least on the one side of "Powerhouse" and not completely "Embarrassing". Pretty accurate for WSU. But I'd love to see this kind of graph every year, to watch our growth.

We return a lot of talent for next year. plus Leach is recruiting well. I think we have a winning season next year. I will see you at the bowl game Sponge and by you some beer. : )
The whole point… outside perspective, sponge. That's what makes this graph, "interesting". I know, I know… you don't care what other people think… think don't respond to this thread.
Originally posted by spongebob11:
Or you could just watch our record.
no kidding.

Why are some so interested in what some artist thinks with helmet stickers on a pretty graph?

I love where 'weakling' 'embarrassing' Cali shows on this meaningless chart. Last I checked Cal won 2 more games than we did... including us... with a coach a year less tenured in a turnaround.
You'l notice, not only is Cal in worse shape, according to this useless graph, but so is Rutgers AND Nevada. EDIT: I also find it funny that Oregon is slightly more "embarrassing" than us. I'll place that status completely on their fans.

This post was edited on 12/23 9:09 AM by Coug95man2
So what were the metrics used to construct this graph? Indiana in the Admirable Powerhouse quadrant?
The dart metric.
Originally posted by StormyCOUG42:
So what were the metrics used to construct this graph? Indiana in the Admirable Powerhouse quadrant?
EDIT: After I tracked down where this REALLY came from, it shows the methodology at the bottom of the graph. Pick Six didn't make this, Wall Street Journal did and Pick Six cropped out the methodology. Pick Six also posted this, this week but WSJ put this out in AUGUST… My bad, guys. So this was PRE-season. Why in the hell Pick Six posted this NOW, I'm not sure.

"Methodology: Teams' on-field rating is an average of the 2014 projected finish by three media outlets (athlon, Phil Steele and USA Today) and two predictive models (Football Outsiders and ESPN); Teams' off-the-field rating is a somewhat subjective ranking of six elements: four-year Academic Progress Rate, recent history of major NCAA violations and probation, percentage of athletic-department revenues subsidized by student fees and state support: number of players arrested in the off-season: attendance at last season's game: and overall "Ick" factor"

Overall "ick" factor is the more scientific element of the whole thing… I'd wager they put this in strictly for Penn State…

This post was edited on 12/24 9:39 AM by Coug95man2
"The Dart Metric".

As Larry the Cable Guy would say, "I don't care who you are, that's funny!".

Great post. Thanks!

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