I suspect the outgoing schools don't really care if we rebuild the Pac-12


Hall Of Fame
Sep 9, 2001
The only thing they care about is their money and maybe their existing media rights.

I sense this will get settled pretty quickly if the Beavs/Cougs are truly wanting to rebuild the conference and NOT grab a huge portion of the assets.
Oh no. They care deeply about tradition. Look!

The only thing they care about is their money and maybe their existing media rights.

I sense this will get settled pretty quickly if the Beavs/Cougs are truly wanting to rebuild the conference and NOT grab a huge portion of the assets
The only thing they care about is their money and maybe their existing media rights.

I sense this will get settled pretty quickly if the Beavs/Cougs are truly wanting to rebuild the conference and NOT grab a huge portion of the assets.
Look, our only options are to join the Mountain West, or talk them in to dissolving and making it the Pac-16. And we just need to suck it up and get 'er done.
I understand that and agree that's all we got at this point.

Option 3 pick and choose the best 4,5 from each of both the MWC, AAC into a PAC 10, PAC 12, then try to get ACC LEFTOVERS, if FSU, etc, blow up ACC. Then try to get either Vandy, Iowa St, Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern, Rutgers, Duke, etc. Then try to add Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova, St Mary in Bball only.
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Media deal at best in the new Pac-12 is going to be like 10M. Might be a bit more if it's "tiered."

If the PAC gets rebuilt with

SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, USF, Tulane, Rice, 1 ACC LEFTOVER, IF FSU blows up ACC, 1 of either Vandy, Iowa St, Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern, Rutgers, Duke, and Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova, St Mary in Bball only.

IF that happened, WSU would get 18 mil to 24 mil per team, not 10 mil per team.

The only ways that only get 10 mil per team, is if WSU, OSU, join MWC, or WHOLE MWC, including the 1, couple, few, some SHT teams, join the PAC, instead of the PAC pick and choosing the best G5's to join the PAC
If the PAC gets rebuilt with

SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, USF, Tulane, Rice, 1 ACC LEFTOVER, IF FSU blows up ACC, 1 of either Vandy, Iowa St, Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern, Rutgers, Duke, and Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova, St Mary in Bball only.

IF that happened, WSU would get 18 mil to 24 mil per team, not 10 mil per team.

The only ways that only get 10 mil per team, is if WSU, OSU, join MWC, or WHOLE MWC, including the 1, couple, few, some SHT teams, join the PAC, instead of the PAC pick and choosing the best G5's to join the PAC
I think you are getting the entire MWC. How big to you go with adding and AAC schools?
The only thing they care about is their money and maybe their existing media rights.

I sense this will get settled pretty quickly if the Beavs/Cougs are truly wanting to rebuild the conference and NOT grab a huge portion of the assets.
Isn't the prime reason for all the reverse merger talk is to theoretically control and preserve Pac-12 assets, that would otherwise be split 12 ways upon disbandment? So it is all about money and there is no way this is going to be settled quick unless WSU/OSU are willing to bend over and get F-ed twice over.
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If the PAC gets rebuilt with

SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, USF, Tulane, Rice, 1 ACC LEFTOVER, IF FSU blows up ACC, 1 of either Vandy, Iowa St, Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern, Rutgers, Duke, and Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova, St Mary in Bball only.

IF that happened, WSU would get 18 mil to 24 mil per team, not 10 mil per team.

The only ways that only get 10 mil per team, is if WSU, OSU, join MWC, or WHOLE MWC, including the 1, couple, few, some SHT teams, join the PAC, instead of the PAC pick and choosing the best G5's to join the PAC
Why exactly would any of those Big Ten schools leave the Big Ten for this rebuilt Pac, and where are you pulling those numbers from? None of this is close to accurate.
Media deal at best in the new Pac-12 is going to be like 10M. Might be a bit more if it's "tiered."
Why would it even be $10m? Current MWC deal is $4m with a little more for Boise. The current environment for sports rights is pretty bad. Is this based on an expectation Apple would pay for it? Good luck with that. If Stanford and Cal were still around, maybe. With WSU, Oregon State, and all that other stuff? Not happening.
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Why exactly would any of those Big Ten schools leave the Big Ten for this rebuilt Pac, and where are you pulling those numbers from? None of this is close to accurate.

Vandy types might join this kind of exact rebuild of the PAC, because if they stay in Big 10, SEC, THEY WILL BE 2-10 FOREVER, whereas if they join the rebuilt PAC comprised of best G5's, borderline G5/P5 programs, they can get about 17 to 20 to 23 mil, plus win 5,6,7,8 games, get bowl games, actually goto a NY6, instead of forever being 2-10 in the SEC, Big 10, etc.

And because if they don't join the PAC, then there is about a 67% semi probability that they will get booted from the Big 10, SEC, and land in FCS/Worse G5, then the tier 1.5/2/2.5 hybrid P5/G5, 1,2 CFP, 1,2 NY6, 2,3,4,5 NCAA Tournament bids, 16 to 19 to 22 mil per team PAC.

And I am not saying that Vandy types would join this rebuilt PAC, only that it's a possibility, and that the PAC leadership should TRY TRY to do this.

If FSU blows up the ACC, a rebuilt PAC should TRY to get one of the ACC LEFTOVERS, LEFT BEHINDERS.

Same with TRYING to add Gonzaga, UConn, Villanova, St Mary in bball.

And same with TRYING to add SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, USF, Tulane, Rice, etc.
Isn't the prime reason for all the reverse merger talk is to theoretically control and preserve Pac-12 assets, that would otherwise be split 12 ways upon disbandment? So it is all about money and there is no way this is going to be settled quick unless WSU/OSU are willing to bend over and get F-ed twice over.
And the AQ status.
Why exactly would any of those Big Ten schools leave the Big Ten for this rebuilt Pac, and where are you pulling those numbers from? None of this is close to accurate.
Fer Gawd sakes - ignore anything old Mik posts.
Settled quickly, not so sure !

The presidents of WSU and OSU are the “only duly authorized Board members.”

In a time where, increasingly, left of liberal courts want to "make" rulings based upon their own agendas, can we hope for logic and notice of previous acts to prevail ? I would hope !

Just as soon as wsu/osu can act under a favorable ruling, the board of two must : layoff all existing pac 12 staff except the pres, cfo and one assistant ! Then, while setting the course for actions wsu/osu desire, the pac 2 headquarters need to be moved to Spokane ! ASAP ! Not Pullman or Corvallis.

At least half of all this grief and suffering lies at the feet of a profession that ranks at the near bottom of a recent Gallop survey ( professional ethics, 2023 ). Along with salesmen, members of Congress it is lawyers, leeching on a corrupt body ! 90 % of lawyers cannot parse a compound - complex sentence and be expected to understand the meaning of such ! These lawyers are incapable of applying word definition to extract the sentence meaning ! Failing this ability they simply apply whatever their politics or financials dictate ! To feel "safe" notice how they need groups to validate what they cannot !

The deplorable product of public education and woke, virtue signaling politicians contribute, however it is lawyers who built the corruption of the previous pac 12 ! IF you wanted to see an inditement of "lawyers" - force the pac 2 prez to put the "lawyers" who WROTE the documents now being debated into a public press conference. Force them to answer a set of questions strictly constructed to grant wsu/osu clear and complete favor going forward ! Force them to explain why previous actions do not/should not apply now ! Judge their cowardice in refusing to answer ! Products of a "bar exam" ?? Now their woke members demand that there be no exam to become a "lawyer" - the bar is racist and not equity !

IF their is a wedge of blame left to assign, it belongs to the state of California. From climate fraud to illegal immigration the previous pac 12 certainly displayed all the wrongs assimilated into the bastard organization !
Hawaii will get left out. Probably Wyoming or New Mexico too.
For the MWC to dissolve and merge 9 school presidents have to agree. I can't see any school being left out voting for this. UNLV more than likely would not vote to kick Hawaii out. It would be a public relations nightmare. Hawaiian's consider Las Vegas as their 9th Island. You can Google search that if you think I pulled that out of my ass. There is a huge Hawaiian population living in Vegas and there are hotels that cater specifically to Hawaiian visitors. Besides, U of Hawaii pays travel subsidies for going to Hawaii.

I totally understand that we have some dead weight. I don't disagree with leaving some out. Getting the 9 votes to dissolve the MWC is the problem. And, if you choose to take several schools in a rebuild I don't think we have any schools that can pay the $34 million exit fee.
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The only thing they care about is their money and maybe their existing media rights.

I sense this will get settled pretty quickly if the Beavs/Cougs are truly wanting to rebuild the conference and NOT grab a huge portion of the assets.
they do care....I predict many west coast teams will get sick of the constant cross country traffic....

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