If you had to bet your first born

I would hire Harrell for offensive continuity, then there is enough money to make a good defensive hire.

I like Grinch and think he would be good in many ways, but would depend for me on what he planned to do on the O side of the ball.
Don't know who, but they'll end up going cheap.

Looks better for Chun to "fix the budget abyss" (whether it's real or on paper isn't the point).

Olympia politicians upon hearing the news today also think they were paying Leach's salary and that they can now use the "$5 million" on the homeless (i.e. King County).

The state will save 5 million a year now that Leach is gone? Huh!? Firstly, CML's salary was a million or so less than that but never mind. Politicians don't often let facts get in the way of a good story. This "saving" assumes, of course, that WSU doesn't replace Leach as HC. We just do without one. Presto, big saving. Makes sense.

I try to listen to what the political parties have to say with an open mind. Both occasionally have some good- or at least well meaning- ideas. That said, Democrats have a major deficiency of fiscal understanding. Either they tend to be monetary idiots or know what they profess is nonsense but say it anyway because it sounds good and will attract the naïve portion of the voting public.

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