If you ran into Larry Scott after a couple beers


Hall Of Fame
Nov 5, 2011
What would you say to him, if you had the chance to have a private bar convo?
I’d just tell him “You’re a selfish piece of shit and I can’t wait for karma to take care of you.”
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Well after I have a few beers, I tend to need to make a trip to the restroom.

I would save myself the trip and pretend his leg was the Purple and Gold trough at Valhalla and tell him it's raining
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After several beers I'd say "Bend over and drop your pants, Larry. I'm going to f*ck you in the a$$ like you did the conference and not ask for $20 Million going away."

After several shots of tequila, I might just do it.

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After several beers I'd say "Bend over and drop your pants, Larry. I'm going to f*ck you in the a$$ like you did the conference and not ask for $20 Million going away."

After several shots of tequila, I might just do it.

Larry was a mono-rail salesman, but the conference ADs and Presidents must shoulder the most of the blame. They not only allowed themselves to be conned by Larry, with very limited exception, they decided to build expensive monuments to themselves, and pay for it by hiring coaches from the bargain basement. During the entire Scott 12 year run, only three "name" coaches were hired. Every bargain basement coach, but two, ran their programs into the ground, or did little to improve their team's play, despite the billion plus spent on facilities.

Larry didn't make the the Pac the least of the power 5, the conference ADs and prezs did that. Larry was just a symptom of the incompetence. You don't hire a zero relevant experience, ex tennis player and CEO of the Women's Tennis Association to be a Power 5 conference commissioner, you just don't.
I'd probably not dirty myself to speak with him. But if, by some wild circumstance, I was in a position to actually have a conversation...

I think my first question would be why he did not develop the PAC network successfully? Or, lacking that, come up with a partnership that made sense financially?
The second would be why we needed to be in downtown SF when media HQ for everything is LA and if we needed NorCal to be "in the middle", why waste all the money on being in SF instead of the east bay?
The third would relate to why our football officiating was permitted to remain a joke for so long.
The fourth would relate to why we did not have a locked in home & away agreement for one game per year with either B10 or B12...or both.
There would probably be some questions that rolled from all that, but the conclusion would have to relate to his buyout package and in what a bad position he left the league. I'd want to look him in the eyes and ask if he really thought he deserved his golden parachute, or was he simply a thief? And how could he live with himself?

As you can tell, I am not a fan.
Scott tried like hell (three times) to raid the Big 12 of its most valuable properties. It was his Waterloo. If he had succeeded, today the PAC would be powerhouse that could go toe to toe with the SEC.
BB - UCLA, Kansas, Arizona, Texas - last week all top ten ranked.
FB - Texas, (Texas = 29million pop. in a high school football crazy state like no other) Oklahoma, USC, Oregon, Utah.
Scott failed, and like Bonaparte, is now in exile.
I think where he failed was the culture that he turned the Pac-12 offices and networks into.

I for one remember when basketball games weren't even on TV. Same with many football games. This alone, at least on the west coast, was a big improvement.
Scott tried like hell (three times) to raid the Big 12 of its most valuable properties. It was his Waterloo. If he had succeeded, today the PAC would be powerhouse that could go toe to toe with the SEC.
BB - UCLA, Kansas, Arizona, Texas - last week all top ten ranked.
FB - Texas, (Texas = 29million pop. in a high school football crazy state like no other) Oklahoma, USC, Oregon, Utah.
Scott failed, and like Bonaparte, is now in exile.
Napoleon came back (sort of), so let’s find a different comparison.
What would you say to him, if you had the chance to have a private bar convo?
Define a couple of beers…that’s usually about when I have to take a piss, so probably wouldn’t say anything, just take a piss on him.
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If I ran into Larry Scott after a couple beers I would probably be in jail, as I would back my car over him again to make sure I got the job done right.
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