In case you missed this list

Can't say Leach didn't earn this grade but Wilner can't stand Leach or WSU. You see this in almost every article he ever writes that include WSU.

Let me know the next time you see him write something positive about Leach or the Cougs.
Originally posted by GoldenCoug:
Can't say Leach didn't earn this grade but Wilner can't stand Leach or WSU. You see this in almost every article he ever writes that include WSU.

Let me know the next time you see him write something positive about Leach or the Cougs.
The ranking were foolish. Sarkisian takes over a team coming off severe sanctions for the first time and gets them to 9 wins gets a D+. Petersen takes over a 9 win team with just about the entire team returning including three AA's and the entire offensive line, and he wins less games than Sarkisian last year and gets a C-. CU goes defeated in conference and that apparently is good enough to be as good or better than five other coaches according to this guy. I could go on and pick apart more, but that would be piling on to this guy.

This post was edited on 1/13 8:52 AM by Coug1990
Wilner also said on Twitter last night that he was voting TCU #2 in his final AP poll and Oregon #4, while he only had FSU dropping to #5.................
If you believe that the HC is responsible for what his assistants do, then I think he was close on Leach's grade this year. My way of looking at this is that the HC's grade should really be a reflection of the grade that the staff as a whole earns. And bear in mind, I am a Leach supporter. But Leach only seemed to have direct involvement with the offense this year (which did OK). The defense and special (!) teams cost us games. Special teams was a total coaching disaster...I can't put it any other way. Defense was one notch, maybe two, better than a disaster. By no means was it a successful season. Some of that was on injuries. When you can't play the same 4 DB's two games in a row all season (slight exaggeration, but only slight), you are going to give up pass plays and miss some open field tackles. None the less, if the HC is responsible for coaching the team as a whole, I'd have given him a D+ this year. C- would have been stretching it.

MacIntyre's grade at CO was IMO too low, as was Shaw's grade at Stanford. Dykes looked a little too high, and Riley & Sark both deserved their grades...and for the same reasons discussed above regarding Leach.

Mora's grade was a joke. Yes, they had one inexplicably flat game, and that was on the coaching staff. But the body of work for the season deserved a much better grade.

Arizona was the surprise team of the season for me, so I don't dispute their coach's grade.

Bottom line, IMO CML needs to be more involved in monitoring what is going on with special teams this year. I accept the idea that a good DC should pretty much run his own show, but next year CML needs to spend at least a little time every day being more directly involved in special teams, regardless of how he ends up structuring the staff responsibilities in that area. And I hope we can all agree that next year's coaching staff performance deserves an A.

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