In state recruiting and rivalry games.


Hall Of Fame
Dec 8, 2006
There’s an interesting article on CBSsportsline about in-state recruiting and the impact it has in rivalry games.

Currently, UW had 50 players from the state of Washington on their roster compared to 23 for us. Most of this difference is made up of walk-ons, who make a significant contribution to rivalry week preparation.

I’d link the article, but I think it originated from brand x.
No. The overall recruiting ranking gap is what will help us.

Auburn didn’t need a roster of mostly Washington kids to beat UW.

They just had a roster of higher caliber players.
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I’m not saying we should offer more scholarships to in-state kids, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more walk ons.
There’s an interesting article on CBSsportsline about in-state recruiting and the impact it has in rivalry games.

Currently, UW had 50 players from the state of Washington on their roster compared to 23 for us. Most of this difference is made up of walk-ons, who make a significant contribution to rivalry week preparation.

I’d link the article, but I think it originated from brand x.

No offense to the kids from the state of Washington, but I think Leach feels quite comfortable recruiting kids from across the United States and prefers to do it that way. If anything, successfully recruiting nationally is good business for WSU. Right now, there are WSU fans in Florida, Mississippi and places like that just because we've been winning a lot of games with kids from their states. It puts WSU on local TV in those states as they talk about their kids being successful.

In any given year, the state of Washington may produce a dozen kids that are legit, high level Power 5 recruits. If we try just a little, we are going to get 2 or 3 of those 12 recruits, UW will get 6 or 7 of them and 3 will go elsewhere. If we expend every resource available, we might get 5 of them. Or we could go after some kids in other parts of the country that just want to get away from home and are interested in being in Pullman and as I said before, expand our national impact.

Kids in California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama don't give a crap about the Apple Cup. They see that we are 10-2. If we go to the Peach Bowl and beat LSU to finish 11-2, that's going to have 10 times the impact of the result of the Apple Cup.
Kids that want to come to WSU and play for this program will come, the Apple Cup has very little impact on recruiting, in state kids that are sold on the UW won't change their mind. Showing up in New Years 6 bowl will have far more impact, lets hope we can still make one. Even the Alamo bowl in Texas will be a plus.
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Leach is recruiting tough, good football players from all over... if we don't get WA kids.... so be it. I'll take a hard working 3 star kid from UT, CO, AZ or TX anytime!
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Leach is recruiting tough, good football players from all over... if we don't get WA kids.... so be it. I'll take a hard working 3 star kid from UT, CO, AZ or TX anytime!

This thread was about unranked walk on players from WA.
This thread was about unranked walk on players from WA.

Our program's success is not predicated on a successful walk-on program. Comfort is obviously a feel-good story but in general, you don't see a bunch of kids from the state of Washington walking on and making the roster. Most of our walk-ons are guys from around the country that are offered a "preferred walk-on" with the promise of a scholarship in the future if they can make the field.

I'd fall back on the idea that Leach is going to take the kids he can get from wherever he can get them and given our 36 wins in the past four seasons, I'm guessing he isn't worried about the handful of Washington kids per year that he doesn't get to beat up on during the week.
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