Spain …. Inflation is coming down . You act like PPP money wasn’t printed money .
You said this is a lib issue . Simply telling you your facts are incorrect . Check out the money bush Reagan trump and bush two spent then compare to Clinton and Obama ?
The difference is what the Republicans feel the need to spend it on .
Bill Clinton was a fiscal moderate and not a liberal fiscally, and was a liberal on all the other issues.
Your also conveniently either forgetting or purposely not mentioning, not accounting for, etc, for the FISCALLY conservative HOUSE and SENATE FISCALLY, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN MAJORITY, that helped REIN CLINTON in.
Also Clinton acted smart, he didn't fix what wasn't broken. He inherited a good economy from Bush 1, that recovered from the depression that helped cost Bush 1 the 2nd term presidency. Then Clinton LISTENED to the FISCAL conservatives. Then Clinton bipartisanly passed WORK FIRST WELFARE REFORM that the CONSERVATIVES PUSHED.
As far as Obama, Obama had the highest debt at that point(20 Trillion), and the most debt acquired by a single president at that point(Bush 2 was the previous highest), and he did it by NON STOP SPENDING.
Yes tax cuts temporarily increased, sky rocketed Debt, but that was usually followed by the ECONOMY being STIMULATED, and INCREASING the TAX BASE, despite the tax cuts, and thus in the long term 5,6,7+ years, the Debt was DEACREASED, economy improved, jobs, and higher paying jobs created, etc.
That's what the 94,95,96 CONGRESSIONAL republicans forced on Clinton, and why Clinton had less debt, and why had a surplus, and why Clinton had a good economy, and why Clinton had good jobs, good high paying jobs that were created.
Where Bush 2, and Trump went wrong, is that they didn't decrease SPENDING and didn't CUT SPENDING BUDGET, to go with tax cuts, which you have to cut spending budget with tax cuts, or Debt, etc, gets out of control.
What Bush 1 did wrong, is he didn't keep his campaign promise of READ MY LIPS, NO MORE NEW TAXES, which increased the Debt under Bush 1, and helped cause the 89 depression, and Bush 1 learned from his mistake, and he fixed things, which led to the recovery, but by then it was too late, and it cost him the presidency for a 2nd term.
Where Reagan went wrong is that while what he and Margaret Thatcher both did works, it unluckily didnt work as well that time for Reagan, and it took 8 years(TOO LONG), to get the eventual good results.
Also Reagan's went about fighting the drug war the wrong method, and had illegal actions in the Iran Contra scandal, and in Panama against Noriega(getting Noriega was good, doing so without congressional permission, as a executive feAT Police Action, etc, was wrong method and didn't help economy, debt, etc
You also leave out CARTER, who was the most craziest insane tax and spender, who created the worst economy, debt because of that and because of how insanely bad he handled or rather didn't handle the Iran Hostage, gas crisis.
Also you leave out fiscal conservatives like FORD, and Nixon. Yes Nixon was corrupt, and Ford a temporary replacement, but both used Reagan's FISCAL POLICIES VERY SUCCESSFULLY to keep economy, jobs, debt good.
The typical thing that happens in this country is that liberal socialist tax and spend like crazy presidents sink the country into further massive debt, bad economy, less jobs, etc, and then fiscal conservatives, then end up having to cut taxes, budget cuts, etc, to stimulate the economy, jobs, which then in the short term causes even more debt fixing the mess the tax and spend like crazy presidents created, then eventually the debt gets under control, etc, but by then the fiscal conservative is unpopular because didn't fix the tax and spender mess fast enough, which causes the fiscal conservative to get replaced by another tax and spender who creates another fiscal MESS, for another fiscal conservative to Fix, RINSE, WASH, REPEAT, OVER AND OVER, NON STOP.
Now altho that's how it usually is, CLINTON, TRUMP, etc, were EXCEPTIONS to that.
Basically your cherry picking Clinton, and Trump, etc.