What is interesting is that the other board keeps writing disparaging articles concerning Ernie Kent and his program. I thought that these boards,at least the sponsors,are here to publicize and support the University and it s athletic programs. I believe that the University should take a stand against the other board and disassociate themselves from the site and any official connection. Sure ,it is a free country and we all know about the Freedom of the Press but their constant attacks on the basketball program does not merit them associating them selves with the University in any official capacity. The notion that they are supporting the program is hogwash and the so called editors should be ashamed of themselves.They are but little nerds with little semblance of being professional. The fans can criticize until the sun goes down But any official or semi official sports site should not be ripping the programs they are supposedly here to publicize and support.Those little nerds deserve a kick in the ass,to put it bluntly.I would guess that there sponsoring entity will take a dim view of their stupid shenanigans
Heh heh thanks for the tip - I went to Brand Y and read the hilarious column and the agreeing fan comments before replying here.
Let me say first that on one level I agree with you, that the WSU fan sites should support the athletic programs. I find it particularly egregious when a site (or newspaper for that matter) states falsehoods or goes over the top with their critical BS and often falsehood-based opinions (aka John Blanchette). That is just wrong and should not be allowed.
That said, the flip side of this coin is two fold. First, you have the Brand X's of the world who blindly support the programs to the point of possibly spreading falsehoods the other way, and stifling free speech and opinion. Second, everything I marked in the above post in
red is wrong. WW and the other Brands are
not officially affiliated with WSU or WSU Athletics in any way. Not sure how they even get away with use of the logo itself, but no matter. So that pretty much turns your entire argument into, well, anger that an independent sports news site is picking on our coach, nevermind that it is 100% justified. And hilarious. As long as the site gets clicks, which just included yours (and mine thanks to you), their sponsoring entity will be quite happy.
These sites are business entities, and are no obligation to publicize and/or support WSU Athletics. They publicize them (for better or worse) because that is their business model. Support? Well you could argue that by jumping on EK they ARE supporting the program by pressuring management to make a needed change and encouraging us to do the same.
The Signers of the Declaration of Independence and Loyal Coug. Not to be confused with Elsie or ElC.