Kinda relevant

And the question from Judge Libey to uw's attorney will be "Did your client agree with that decision? I see nothing in the record to indicate uw protested that move."
And even if they did protest, the conference clearly followed that path, which means 75% of the votes were in favor. And that means it was the conference’s chosen approach. UW’s objection - if it happened - was not relevant.
I'm not a lawyer, but I did major in pre-law and won my child custody case. :)

This is going to be fun to watch unfold. There is already so much egg on the faces of these departing schools, particularly the ultra liberal colleges that left for the B!G and ACC. We're rolling into an election year where fighting climate change and standing up to corporate billionaires will be the two biggest rallying cries, and here are Stanford, Cal, USC, UCLA, UW, and Oregon, flying 2-3 time zones away to chase millions of corporate media dollars at the expense of their student athletes.

Seriously, though, you can't make this stuff up. "What? Wait a minute. We never gave our notices stating that we're departing the conference." I understand why WSU and Oregon State would consider settling the case, but selfishly, I hope they drag it all the way to trial so we can expose all of these double talkers. The discovery is lining up perfectly with the 2024 election. Can't wait!

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