Yep Post and prefer Jamon Kemp, who I think is not only slightly better then Harris Jr, but is also good bloodlines, in state Beach HS connection, to tap Beach HS pipeline, for future recruiting, etc, but either one, and so Harris Jr would also be nice in addition to Post, if not Jamon.
But Jamon Kemp is Pretty Much almost a done deal, as far as committing, signing.
Jamon Retweeted WSU's Tweet about NBA Dad's weekend with Shawn Kemp, Guy Williams, Dennis Rodman.
And Jamon was seen in photo with CJ and Noah Williams.
And Jamon had a great visit.
So those pretty much means Jamon will probably commit, sign with WSU.
But I dont want both Harris and Kemp.
Only want Kemp and Harris if Post not commit, sign with WSU.
Otherwise Harris goes elsewhere.