like the bracket.
I like CO as opponent for Cougs having a better chance to beat, then Stanford, Arizona.
I could easily see cougs beating Colorado.
I can easily see Cal beating stanford, and UCLA beating Cal, and WSU beating ASU and then UCLA, then playing Oregon.
Not saying that would happen, but see how it could happen.
I do think that if Stanford beats Cal, that Stanford would probably beat UCLA, and that WSU would probably lose to Stanford, if beat ASU..
49.999% chance to beat Colorado.
29% chance to beat both Colorado, ASU
If ASU was 1st round opponent, then 49% to beat ASU.
17% chance to beat Colorado, ASU, UCLA
If UCLA was 1st round opponent, then WSU 49% to beat UCLA in 1st round if UCLA were 1st round opponent.
8% chance to beat Colorado, ASU, UCLA, Oregon, and win it all.
If WSU has to play Stanford, Arizona. That chance would probably dip to about 4%.
And if WSU had to play Stanford or Arizona in 1st round, think there 65 to 85% chance to lose because of BAD MATCH UP..
All in All, I think this is the best possible bracket WSU could have asked, hoped for.
I like it. And I think WSU wins at least 1 game