AgreedI think that almost everyone is going to get Omicron. The good thing is that this variant is not nearly as severe as Delta and we are getting better at therapeutics (and in fact "vaccines" are at best therapeutics). The next good thing about Omicron is that it neutered those who looked down on those who had rational and reasonable opposition to the jab. Perhaps natural immunity resulting from Omicron will become the best way that covid fades, but who knows at this point? There are powerful interests who want to keep the pandemic thriving.
Looks like we are going to have a very rocky next few weeks in terms of playing our scheduled basketball games. More canceled games and scrambling to schedule make up games will be the norm. It appears that Omicron spikes fast and fades fast as well. Let's hope. I'm sick of the disruptions. We need to live with the virus and get on with our lives.
Totally agree - and if there's ONE thing the government and medical community can do is to throw the kitchen sink at this thing. This has morphed into a political us vs. them one-size-fits all thing and that's just wrong....which is what I've been evangelizing all along. There are MANY ways to skin a cat and what works for a 70 year old may not work for a 5 year old. Or the actions that may be applicable in an urban setting aren't in a more rural setting - firing unvaxxed snow plow drivers who spend their time alone on the road? Really, really? That's just a power trip with no logical explanation now that's it's clear the vaxxes don't stop transmission.Agreed
In South Africa the whole "O" wave lasted about 6 weeks. USA infection numbers are now in decline, if the "O" continues to remain the dominant variant, the future looks bright. It is mild, those who are most at risk have died, or are now suffering the residual effects, leaving the greater community resistant or with significant immune response. But let's not kid ourselves, had "O" been this infectious, and as or more deadly than pasted variants, the planet would have been in a world of hurt. Mother nature/viral evolution, not science, cut us a huge break on this one.
Totally agree - and if there's ONE thing the government and medical community can do is to throw the kitchen sink at this thing. This has morphed into a political us vs. them one-size-fits all thing and that's just wrong....which is what I've been evangelizing all along. There are MANY ways to skin a cat and what works for a 70 year old may not work for a 5 year old. Or the actions that may be applicable in an urban setting aren't in a more rural setting - firing unvaxxed snow plow drivers who spend their time alone on the road? Really, really? That's just a power trip with no logical explanation now that's it's clear the vaxxes don't stop transmission.
It's on the government to say WHY things like Ivermectin can't be used as a therapeutic. African nations use it and they have the lowest vaccination rates in the world and solid mortality numbers. Rogan got his hands on it and used it. Why is it being withheld? Could it be that it's 40 cents per dose? And don't give me the mumbo jumbo of lack of clinical tests - the mRNA vaxxes ARE an ongoing clinical test in progress. That's just an excuse.
It's on the government to answer WHY monoclonal antibodies are not be delivered and used as a therapeutics in every state in the union.
It's on the government to say WHY vaccines available (Astra Zeneca comes to mind) are not available in the US. Did they not come correct with the proper gratuities?
It's on the government to disclose any and all financial interests of employees of the CDC and the FDA, including former FDA and CDC employees who are currently employed by Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.
it's on the government to remove liability exemptions for the vaccine makers. Sunset those things - if they are confident their medicine works, they'll accept the risk. If they aren't, then what's up with that?
The government has put itself in this position of mistrust because they've acted mistrustfully. Mask on/mask off.
Our nation was establish because of mistrust and mistreatment by the government. It's time we put those hats back on again and stop being afraid to question those to whom we pay. And question and question and question again when the answers don't add up.
That's call being scientific. And everyone should be scientific with their own body as they see fit. Two years of bureaucrats telling others to follow 'their' science hasn't worked out too well.
That's all I have to say about that. Or some such thing.
In Africa, being 65+, being obese, being diabetic, having COPD, is a rarity. throw in a general lack of hospitals, and doctors, or the means to obtain treatment/testing from them, then throw in a an immune system that must be tuned to fight a raft of deadly pathogens, and you have your answer.And the rest of the questions? Easy to slough off one item and it doesn't explain how Africa was virtually untouched previously - an entire continent with a fraction of the deaths attributed to COVID in the USA? Doesn't make sense. Could it be they had the magic bullet on the front side? Could it have been Big Pharma didn't have the inside job on the continent?
Omicron is the last two months. We're into this thing two years. Two years and the answer is "well, so maybe the vaccines don't work but we should all show vaccine cards and shut down businesses and fire health care workers....oh, damn, we have a health care crisis!" Well, duh.
With time comes more data and more questions. You can fool all of the people some of the time, pretty hard to fool all of the people all of the time. We won't get fooled again as The Who foretold.
Who - like the band. Not the 'health' organization.'
Like the funk, give us the kitchen sink.. We need the funk and the kitchen sink.
You think maybe we could have spent the last two years and lord knows how much money promoting good health, exercise and diet? Free gym membership for every man woman and child - incentive checks for good behavior.In Africa, being 65+, being obese, being diabetic, having COPD, is a rarity. throw in a general lack of hospitals, and doctors, or the means to obtain treatment/testing from them, then throw in a an immune system that must be tuned to fight a raft of deadly pathogens, and you have your answer.
Vaccines didn't work in arresting the pandemic, they did work preventing death. The death numbers in the USA today are mostly in the clueless unvaccinated.
As the USA will finish dead last among western industrial countries in the per capita death count. This was a epic fail at all levels. The people-- self indulgent, fat and narcissistic; the politicians -- gutless and pandering, and; the medical community --- incoherent and dithering. If June 6, 1944 was our finest hour, we are hitting record lows.
In Africa, being 65+, being obese, being diabetic, having COPD, is a rarity. throw in a general lack of hospitals, and doctors, or the means to obtain treatment/testing from them, then throw in a an immune system that must be tuned to fight a raft of deadly pathogens, and you have your answer.
Vaccines didn't work in arresting the pandemic, they did work preventing death. The death numbers in the USA today are mostly in the clueless unvaccinated.
As the USA will finish dead last among western industrial countries in the per capita death count. This was a epic fail at all levels. The people-- self indulgent, fat and narcissistic; the politicians -- gutless and pandering, and; the medical community --- incoherent and dithering. If June 6, 1944 was our finest hour, we are hitting record lows.
When in the history of vaccines have we considered them as not preventing a virus? I have had a number of vaccinations over the years and have never contracted the malady or disease it was meant to prevent. I've also never been concerned whether another consenting adult has decided not to get a particular vaccine. That's their decision, not mine.
Also, do you really believe China's covid numbers? Not me. So who knows which country is performing the worst. I do agree that obesity is a major contributor to our health problems.
In time, most of the vaccine crazies will reflect back in shame for their insane panic and overreaction and authoritarian reflex to this pandemic. That is, if they have any conscience left. The corrupt corporate media also is complicit in this travesty. They should be jailed.
Well we are all hopeful that some how we gain herd immunity. But what I have learned is there could be another variant out there> My hope is the next one doesn't have the transmission of Omicron, and the infection can invade the lungs like delta.In South Africa the whole "O" wave lasted about 6 weeks. USA infection numbers are now in decline, if the "O" continues to remain the dominant variant, the future looks bright. It is mild, those who are most at risk have died, or are now suffering the residual effects, leaving the greater community resistant or with significant immune response. But let's not kid ourselves, had "O" been this infectious, and as or more deadly than pasted variants, the planet would have been in a world of hurt. Mother nature/viral evolution, not science, cut us a huge break on this one.
Well we are all hopeful that some how we gain herd immunity. But what I have learned is there could be another variant out there> My hope is the next one doesn't have the transmission of Omicron, and the infection can invade the lungs like delta.
And this will go on with games canceled for the next several years. BTW there are many aspects of life that covid is impacting other than hospitalization and deaths. And will do so for the near future.
In South Africa the whole "O" wave lasted about 6 weeks. USA infection numbers are now in decline, if the "O" continues to remain the dominant variant, the future looks bright. It is mild, those who are most at risk have died, or are now suffering the residual effects, leaving the greater community resistant or with significant immune response. But let's not kid ourselves, had "O" been this infectious, and as or more deadly than pasted variants, the planet would have been in a world of hurt. Mother nature/viral evolution, not science, cut us a huge break on this one.
What does Jamie Dimond think… he thinks differently than you ….and probably thinks more along lines of Biden and Inslee . Money in covid? Hmmmm. Sure seems like we get a lot of socialist stuff like free vaccines to be a huge money maker . Restaurants etc not sure seeing this as a big money maker .But yet despite Omicron being the most dominant variant, that likely to remain the dominant variant, that is so infectious, that likely to infect everyone in the whole world, and that is the least deadly, and has the lowest hospitalization, death, mortality rates, that health care officials in UK, South Africa have reported extremely low, almost no hospitalizations, deaths, and said that it's not as bad as the FLU used to be or is.
Despite ALL that, instead of normalizing things, living life with Omicron, etc, Australia continues it's Military lockdown, crackdown on Covid, and Jay Inslee, Biden and many other LIBTARDS of their ILK, want to continue to lock things down, distribute 400 million in N95 mask, and millions more in home Covid test, and more Vaccine Mandates, and more Mask, social distancing mandates, and more lockdowns, limitation on number of people in public, and firing snowplow workers, etc, for not having a mask, or not getting vaccinated, instead of allowing Omicron to immunize the population, instead of allowing the use of Ivermectin, and the PFizer Covid Pill, etc.
Yep 1 size, unconstitutional way fits everybody, when it doesn't.
Yep doesn't matter if a snowplow worker in a town of 50 people who works alone, that not wearing mask, not vaccinated, is not bloody damn likely to spread Covid, and so must fire that Snowplow worker
Yep, doesn't matter that healthcare officials in UK, South Africa, have said that OMICRON NOTHING.
Yep doesn't matter that WHO, CDC, are now against Biden's, Jay Inslee's policies
Yep, it all doesn't matter because Biden, Inslee, others of their ILK are going to FOREVER TRY TO LOCK THINGS DOWN, DO MANDATES, ETC, in order for MORE MONEY, CONTROL, POWER, MANIPULATION, GREED,ETC.
Elections have consequences, sometimes bad ones
What does Jamie Dimond think… he thinks differently than you ….and probably thinks more along lines of Biden and Inslee . Money in covid? Hmmmm. Sure seems like we get a lot of socialist stuff like free vaccines to be a huge money maker . Restaurants etc not sure seeing this as a big money maker .
Ummm Biden isn’t following the Supreme Court ruling? Interesting .Jamie Dimond, is a Dumbazz who doesn't follow the healthcare officials, in UK, South Africa, doesn't follow the science, stats, reports, etc, of ultimate extremely low number of hospitalizations, deaths, hospitalization rates, mortality rates of Omicron in UK, South Africa, Australia, doesn't follow the CDC, WHO, that against Biden, Inslee, doesn't follow the USA SUPREME Court ruling against Biden, and mandates like Biden's, Inslee's, doesn't follow LOGIC, REASON, COMMON SENSE, FACTS, CORRECT INPRETATION, is READING COMPREHENSION CHALLENGED, ETC.
But hey if Jamie Dimond wants to be a Dumbazz Moron, thats his choice, as long as he doesn't force his STUPID covid view, policies on the rest of us.
Your comment is mostly incoherent but what else is new.But yet despite Omicron being the most dominant variant, that likely to remain the dominant variant, that is so infectious, that likely to infect everyone in the whole world, and that is the least deadly, and has the lowest hospitalization, death, mortality rates, that health care officials in UK, South Africa have reported extremely low, almost no hospitalizations, deaths, and said that it's not as bad as the FLU used to be or is.
Despite ALL that, instead of normalizing things, living life with Omicron, etc, Australia continues it's Military lockdown, crackdown on Covid, and Jay Inslee, Biden and many other LIBTARDS of their ILK, want to continue to lock things down, distribute 400 million in N95 mask, and millions more in home Covid test, and more Vaccine Mandates, and more Mask, social distancing mandates, and more lockdowns, limitation on number of people in public, and firing snowplow workers, etc, for not having a mask, or not getting vaccinated, instead of allowing Omicron to immunize the population, instead of allowing the use of Ivermectin, and the PFizer Covid Pill, etc.
Yep 1 size, unconstitutional way fits everybody, when it doesn't.
Yep doesn't matter if a snowplow worker in a town of 50 people who works alone, that not wearing mask, not vaccinated, is not bloody damn likely to spread Covid, and so must fire that Snowplow worker
Yep, doesn't matter that healthcare officials in UK, South Africa, have said that OMICRON NOTHING.
Yep doesn't matter that WHO, CDC, are now against Biden's, Jay Inslee's policies
Yep, it all doesn't matter because Biden, Inslee, others of their ILK are going to FOREVER TRY TO LOCK THINGS DOWN, DO MANDATES, ETC, in order for MORE MONEY, CONTROL, POWER, MANIPULATION, GREED,ETC.
Elections have consequences, sometimes bad ones
Amen!!Since this is a basketball board maybe we should choose to talk about basketball instead of differing opinions on the vaccines.