Smith will get some good recruits, regardless, even if he were to have to Offer 100,000 recruits, and only have 3,4,5 of the better recruits to FINALLY say yes, commit, sign.
Not only that, but Smith will get his recruits from anywhere in the world, even Antartica, North Pole, etc, as long as they are great recruits.
Also Smith will leave no stone unturned.
Because of that, there are no doubts that Smith will, woukd get great recruita.
Also Smith has already gotten, TJ Bamba, Jefferson, Agobidi, so if Smith were to not get 1, 2 more good recruits this year in addition to the AWESOME 3 recruits he is getting, that wouldnt be as bad, because next class, probably wont have Corona Virus Restrictions, by then.