Nike McClure


Hall Of Fame
Dec 21, 2001
Nike McClure posted a twitter thread discussing her struggle with depression and college athletics. She indicates she has struggled with depression for years and looking at her twitter at one point said basketball was no longer fun.

I was of course disappointed McClure wasn't coming back for her final year but was immediately concerned with the tone of her departure. It seemed a lot more was going on personally beyond being in a Cougar uniform. I have some perspective on what athletes go through so her thoughts hit home for me. When I was in school I would get a kick out of other students who seemed to think athletes had it so easy when it was obvious they really had no idea about the rigors involved. We see them in games but that's just a small part of the equation.

Unfortunately I can't say Nike's thoughts surprise me in light of all the things we have witnessed this year. Most importantly I hope she has sought out help with her depression. Brand y had a really well thought post from someone who has struggled with depression as well.

As definitely and "old guy" I question whether twitter is the best medium to express something so important but here's the thread (and there were a ton of responses that followed):
It is obviously a cry for help. I hope that someone is listening who is in a position to help her.

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