Now that the regular season is over


Hall Of Fame
Nov 19, 2011
who can go back and pull up the primay thread on win loss record and who we thought our QB would end up being.
who can go back and pull up the primay thread on win loss record and who we thought our QB would end up being.

I don’t think I made a win prediction. I did think we’d see two or three guys start games.

who can go back and pull up the primay thread on win loss record and who we thought our QB would end up being.

Here is the thead. I wasn’t 100% dead on by any means but if anyone doubts my perception just read what I wrote about the team.... back in April...before fall camp before the season began about Dezmon Patmon.

I said 8/4-6/6.
I was correct right up to the Cal game (which I thought we might stumble at, and also Arizona (which is crazy not factoring the weather). Those two I was wrong.
I was also wrong about Cooper being the “heir apparent” we never saw him, but I was right about Tinsley/Minshew which were the two guys to throw TDs... I knew 1 would start but had no idea what Minshew would bring (this was April)
I was dead on about Patmon though.
And Borghi played a bigger role than I expected as a true fresh but I do mention him.

It’s a fun read becaus I go in detail about the season.

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