Official - New Medical School named after Elson S. Floyd

Not unexpected but welcome news. The bulk of the opposition to the new med school has come from the Seattle area. Politics in Seattle are nothing if not far left and so PC they squeak. The politically correct crowd may regard us Cougs as uncouth hicks not worthy of this new school but opposing an honor to a respected black person? Not a chance.

RIP Dr. Floyd, your legacy carries on.
Not unexpected but welcome news. The bulk of the opposition to the new med school has come from the Seattle area. Politics in Seattle are nothing if not far left and so PC they squeak. The politically correct crowd may regard us Cougs as uncouth hicks not worthy of this new school but opposing an honor to a respected black person? Not a chance.

RIP Dr. Floyd, your legacy carries on.

It has little to do with Republican/conservative versus Democratic/liberal and all to do with fans/alumni/lobbying power/etc., of the uw.

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