Would that be considered socialism?
Ok I am a semi conservative semi anti socialist saying this, what about to say.
There are exceptions to the no communism, socialism thing.
And there is a difference in having, between fairness, equality in CHANCE at OPPORTUNITY, etc, and having everything be perfectly fair, equal, between those who dont work at all, those who work, but dont work smart, and those that work hard, and those who work smart.
Those who work hard, smart, generally do, should get ahead, do better then those those who dont.
And thats as it should be.
But if there is a situation, where people, institutions, colleges, businesses, countries, that work hard, smart, etc, that dont do well because of MONOPOLIES, etc, that is NOT good.
So how does that apply to College Football, what we are talking about?
Paying College Football athletes will create a have and have not situation, where even colleges that work hard, smart, invest well, do everything they should to be competitive, wont ever be competitive, and will forever be uncompetitive, be a have not, because of the Monopolistic Alabama type that have more more.
That is kinda like the Feudalistic Middle Ages, where Dukes, Nobles, Barons, Royalties had all the advantage over the Peasantry, Serfs, Merchants, etc.
The Founding Fathers wanted to, changed that, created a FREE, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MARKWT ENTERPRISE, CAPITALISTIC system.
In that system, there is not supposed to be Dukes, Nobles, Royalty, etc, that got their power, money, influence, simply by being born and inheriting it.
No that system is supposed to me a MERITOCRACY, where those that work hard, smart, invest well, meet supply, demand, give customers what they want, like, etc, succeed, and those that just inherit money, and dont work hard, smart, etc, fail.