I can say its not 1. Covid, 2. Opt Out. 3. The players united group.
1. Covid. If a player gets covid, the word gets out.
2.If a player opts out, the word gets out.
It might be theoretically possible for 1,2, etc, to not get the word out, but 3,4+ no way does the word not get out.
3. Dallas Hobbs, and the other Players United group members are going to play because the word got out(And I read about that on either the internet, twitter, the news, etc).
If they werent going to play, the word would get out. And again while the word might not get out for 1,2, the word would get out fkr 3,4+
So what happened to those players?
I dont know, but I would guess the standard range of things from injuries, discipline, wanting to hold players out to protect them, grades, etc.
It also might be a error, oversight in the stat keeping.
I could have sworn that I read somewhere(forget where), but thought it was either videos, or interviews of, from coaches, players, talking about how good Mc Dougle, Hobbs, Willie, Travion Brown, Woods, Tyrese Ross, Isom, etc, were doing.
I'm not worried. There is still more practice, another scrimmage coming up,
If nothing is heard by the time after the 2nd Scrimmage, then I might probably be worried.
But now, I'm not worried or that worried.
Would be nice to hear something about, on this.