I read the other board and have noticed an uptick in possible support and optimism for the basketball program.I believe that the analysis of the juco recruiting by an organization familiar with jucos has people reevaluating their past online positions. They do not want to be seen as complete fools if Kent s team plays above .500 ball and perhaps makes an NIT appearance.It went to" Kent is only recruiting lightly recruited jucos " to WSU having a top 5 juco recruiting season. The general consensus now seems to be is stay the course and hope for improvement.. There is now talk about a need for a basketball OP building and charter flights. The program does need more fan support and an upgrade in facilities and charter flights. I saw the better quality of juco players recruited this year, plus two excellent freshmen.. The past few years they did take marginal juco players whose chance to succeed in D 1 ball was questionable but they did an OK job. The letting go of an ineffective recruiter was key and i like this years recruiting class.I see the program as now having enough talent to compete and play above .500 ball this coming season.There is reason for optimism.