True story.
A friend of mine was almost a dead ringer for Dusty. He is a nationally known fire & life safety design expert and travelled to a lot of conferences. He always wore a 3 piece suit (particularly when in court) and with the full ZZ Top beard really looked the part. He was driving from Austin to Dallas once, maybe 30 years ago, and got pulled over for speeding. The trooper got to his window, looked at him, and just about peed himself. "Where are you going?", he asked. My friend told him the name of the ritzy Dallas hotel. The trooper told him, "Follow me. I'll run you an escort." He then walked to his vehicle, flipped on the lights, and took off. My friend followed him at speeds between 80-90 the rest of the way to Dallas. Finally they pull up to the hotel and my friend figures that God and everybody is about to descend on his car for an autograph or to verify what the trooper has probably been saying on his radio. The trooper pulls in, pops back to my friend's car, and my friend thanks him, but explains that he is an engineer from California. The trooper turns pasty white, runs back to his car and is on the radio for a couple of minutes, during which time my friend walks into the hotel to register. When he got back, the trooper was gone...but not forgotten, because the doorman had seen everything from out of earshot, and with the trooper escort naturally assumed that my friend was Dusty. He asked him if he could have an autograph as my buddy walked back out the door, and pulls out a "Don't mess with Texas" bumper sticker. My friend figured that the easiest way out was to sign Dusty's name.
Prior to Covid my friend and I always celebrated St Paddy's day with lunch at a Long Beach Irish pub, and this was one of the annual stories. They had a lot of good songs, but owing to the appearance of my buddy, "Sharp Dressed Man" has been my favorite for a long time.