Our new conference, etc.

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Aug 24, 2022
I'm starting to get concerned about next year. Schedules need to be determined for starters. We needed to have already gone to the BIg-12 and laid it out - are you inviting us or not? If not, then onto our only other option. Which is quickly becoming a problem, because I'm sure they (MW) are already working on the schedule. Good luck swooping in in January and saying hey let's merge.

That said, our best option is to poach their highest profile teams. Although excluding Hawaii and this Colorado College (minor sports affiliate), They only have 11 teams. So unless we want reinvent as the PAC 8 or 10, The only real option is to take 'em all, get' em to dissolve the MW and join the PAC, and off we go. Plus after getting screwed by the traitors, do we really want to do that to the MW? And who's to say that the top 6 or 8 would even come? Buying a pig in a poke, when you are nice and stable where you are? There again, if we take them all their stability remains and actually improves with OSU and WSU on board, and the PAC brand.

Finally, it was recently posted in another thread that Dickert would need to take a 40% pay cut for budget purposes. That is nuts, and would be suicidal.

Now maybe all this has been going on behind the scenes. But given the last year-plus I'm a doubter. Having this Oliver Luck in the mix may be helping.

And when are we firing Quackkoff?
I'm starting to get concerned about next year. Schedules need to be determined for starters. We needed to have already gone to the BIg-12 and laid it out - are you inviting us or not? If not, then onto our only other option. Which is quickly becoming a problem, because I'm sure they (MW) are already working on the schedule. Good luck swooping in in January and saying hey let's merge.

That said, our best option is to poach their highest profile teams. Although excluding Hawaii and this Colorado College (minor sports affiliate), They only have 11 teams. So unless we want reinvent as the PAC 8 or 10, The only real option is to take 'em all, get' em to dissolve the MW and join the PAC, and off we go. Plus after getting screwed by the traitors, do we really want to do that to the MW? And who's to say that the top 6 or 8 would even come? Buying a pig in a poke, when you are nice and stable where you are? There again, if we take them all their stability remains and actually improves with OSU and WSU on board, and the PAC brand.

Finally, it was recently posted in another thread that Dickert would need to take a 40% pay cut for budget purposes. That is nuts, and would be suicidal.

Now maybe all this has been going on behind the scenes. But given the last year-plus I'm a doubter. Having this Oliver Luck in the mix may be helping.

And when are we firing Quackkoff?
Logistically, I don't know how we're going to play football next year. Hotels need to be booked and reserved, what sort of team and coaches will we have? It's hard to believe this is really happening.

Hopefully we'll have clarity and good news sometime this month, or do we have to wait until after 11/14?
With all the moving around next year in the ACC, Big 12, and Big 10, there will be more open dates than many realize. It will be a pain putting a schedule together, but there will be teams available. Everyone's schedule got blown up. Oregon and Washington don't know who they will or won't play in the Big 10, then all the teams that are moving to the Big 12 next year, scheduling will be a mess for a lot of teams. As for paycuts, if Dickert has to take a 40% cut he is probably gone, but we still have no idea how much Pac 12 money we get, or which conference we are in. There is a slim chance we end up in the Big 12, no pay cuts need. If we end up in the MWC there will be a a 20-25 million shortfall, that's a problem unless we get 150 million from the pac 12. I am sure they are working on Plan A, B, C, D and .................F Still to many unknowns. If we end up in the MWC with very little money, coaching salaries will be cut across the board, and many coaching positions are eliminated. That's why many insensitive people say just joing the MWC and quit complaining, no one watches you. Well people do watch the Cougs, and the MWC is not enough to pay for our coaching staffs at the current level. So many people within the athletic department will lose their jobs, and many players will leave the team. ESPN can complain about Dickert's comments, but he is fighting for the entire athletic department, student athletes, students, faculty and the community.
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With all the moving around next year in the ACC, Big 12, and Big 10, there will be more open dates than many realize. It will be a pain putting a schedule together, but there will be teams available. Everyone's schedule got blown up. Oregon and Washington don't know who they will or won't play in the Big 10, then all the teams that are moving to the Big 12 next year, scheduling will be a mess for a lot of teams. As for paycuts, if Dickert has to take a 40% cut he is probably gone, but we still have no idea how much Pac 12 money we get, or which conference we are in. There is a slim chance we end up in the Big 12, no pay cuts need. If we end up in the MWC there will be a a 20-25 million shortfall, that's a problem unless we get 150 million from the pac 12. I am sure they are working on Plan A, B, C, D and .................F Still to many unknowns. If we end up in the MWC with very little money, coaching salaries will be cut across the board, and many coaching positions are eliminated. That's why many insensitive people say just joing the MWC and quit complaining, no one watches you. Well people do watch the Cougs, and the MWC is not enough to pay for our coaching staffs at the current level. So many people within the athletic department will lose their jobs, and many players will leave the team. ESPN can complain about Dickert's comments, but he is fighting for the entire athletic department, student athletes, students, faculty and the community.
AI can put a schedule together in minutes. I think the scheduling issue is overblown. Hotels? Even at WSU which is probably one of the trickiest places in the country for lodging, Lewiston would be an option. For context WSU has stayed in Bellevue before for AC (maybe still do?). That’s a 30 minute trip on Gameday With police escort. Lewiston is 10-15 minutes more…not a big deal.
The timetable is:

Before 11-14-23, maybe there is a Settlement between the 10, and WSU, OSU.

If no settlement, then have to wait until 11-14-23.

Everything in the DECK is STACKED in WSU, OSU's Favor:

1. The BYLAW language shows that the 10 gave notice, lose the money, and lose voting.


3. Judge already ruled in WSU, OSU favor.

4. The 11-14 hearing will again be in Whitman, in front of the same judge that already ruled in WSU favor

5. Schultz is the CFP committee chair, that has a vote, and CFP can't do anything except thru a UNAMINOUS Vote, with one of those votes being Schultz's vote.

6. Because of all the above, it's extremely bloody dam likely that WSU either gets most of the money or a POSITIVE settlement in WSU favor.

7. That Settlement can be the money, voting, Schultz giving up his vote in exchange for something good like either getting to rebuild PAC AND keeping P5 status, or Big 12, ACC home, etc.

Because the above is BLOODY DAM LIKELY sometime between now and 11-14, then that probably means:

A. That WSU, OSU have probably been having all sorts of talks behind closed doors, including SCHEDULING, whether that's doing a scheduling alliance with MWC, others while they do the independent thing playing the waiting game.

WSU, OSU have probably made all sorts of CONDITIONAL arrangements, groundwork, networking, for all sorts of outcomes, etc.

By November or December, or Jan or after bowl game, or by the Spring game at ultimate extreme latest, WSU will probably announce schedule, etc, and WSU probably has or probably will be keeping their student athletes informed about all the behind closed doors networking, arrangements, scheduling, groundwork, etc, to help prevent student athletes from panicking, transferring, etc.

Everything is probably going to be ok.

At worst WSU, OSU go independent for 2 years, do a schedule alliance with MWC an or others while they play the waiting game until the 35 Mil penalty goes away, and then WSU, OSU adds SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, Tulane, USF, Rice, etc.

And the Schedule probably gets announced by the last day of November, 1st day of December.
The timetable is:

Before 11-14-23, maybe there is a Settlement between the 10, and WSU, OSU.

If no settlement, then have to wait until 11-14-23.

Everything in the DECK is STACKED in WSU, OSU's Favor:

1. The BYLAW language shows that the 10 gave notice, lose the money, and lose voting.


3. Judge already ruled in WSU, OSU favor.

4. The 11-14 hearing will again be in Whitman, in front of the same judge that already ruled in WSU favor

5. Schultz is the CFP committee chair, that has a vote, and CFP can't do anything except thru a UNAMINOUS Vote, with one of those votes being Schultz's vote.

6. Because of all the above, it's extremely bloody dam likely that WSU either gets most of the money or a POSITIVE settlement in WSU favor.

7. That Settlement can be the money, voting, Schultz giving up his vote in exchange for something good like either getting to rebuild PAC AND keeping P5 status, or Big 12, ACC home, etc.

Because the above is BLOODY DAM LIKELY sometime between now and 11-14, then that probably means:

A. That WSU, OSU have probably been having all sorts of talks behind closed doors, including SCHEDULING, whether that's doing a scheduling alliance with MWC, others while they do the independent thing playing the waiting game.

WSU, OSU have probably made all sorts of CONDITIONAL arrangements, groundwork, networking, for all sorts of outcomes, etc.

By November or December, or Jan or after bowl game, or by the Spring game at ultimate extreme latest, WSU will probably announce schedule, etc, and WSU probably has or probably will be keeping their student athletes informed about all the behind closed doors networking, arrangements, scheduling, groundwork, etc, to help prevent student athletes from panicking, transferring, etc.

Everything is probably going to be ok.

At worst WSU, OSU go independent for 2 years, do a schedule alliance with MWC an or others while they play the waiting game until the 35 Mil penalty goes away, and then WSU, OSU adds SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, Tulane, USF, Rice, etc.

And the Schedule probably gets announced by the last day of November, 1st day of December.

Also during COVID, back when there was canceled games, there was replacement games, schedules cobbled together pretty quickly, last second on the fly.

Because of that, WSU, OSU's schedule can be put together pretty fast.
The timetable is:

Before 11-14-23, maybe there is a Settlement between the 10, and WSU, OSU.

If no settlement, then have to wait until 11-14-23.

Everything in the DECK is STACKED in WSU, OSU's Favor:

1. The BYLAW language shows that the 10 gave notice, lose the money, and lose voting.


3. Judge already ruled in WSU, OSU favor.

4. The 11-14 hearing will again be in Whitman, in front of the same judge that already ruled in WSU favor

5. Schultz is the CFP committee chair, that has a vote, and CFP can't do anything except thru a UNAMINOUS Vote, with one of those votes being Schultz's vote.

6. Because of all the above, it's extremely bloody dam likely that WSU either gets most of the money or a POSITIVE settlement in WSU favor.

7. That Settlement can be the money, voting, Schultz giving up his vote in exchange for something good like either getting to rebuild PAC AND keeping P5 status, or Big 12, ACC home, etc.

Because the above is BLOODY DAM LIKELY sometime between now and 11-14, then that probably means:

A. That WSU, OSU have probably been having all sorts of talks behind closed doors, including SCHEDULING, whether that's doing a scheduling alliance with MWC, others while they do the independent thing playing the waiting game.

WSU, OSU have probably made all sorts of CONDITIONAL arrangements, groundwork, networking, for all sorts of outcomes, etc.

By November or December, or Jan or after bowl game, or by the Spring game at ultimate extreme latest, WSU will probably announce schedule, etc, and WSU probably has or probably will be keeping their student athletes informed about all the behind closed doors networking, arrangements, scheduling, groundwork, etc, to help prevent student athletes from panicking, transferring, etc.

Everything is probably going to be ok.

At worst WSU, OSU go independent for 2 years, do a schedule alliance with MWC an or others while they play the waiting game until the 35 Mil penalty goes away, and then WSU, OSU adds SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Memphis, Tulane, USF, Rice, etc.

And the Schedule probably gets announced by the last day of November, 1st day of December.
You sure have a boner for Memphis and USF.
I'm starting to get concerned about next year. Schedules need to be determined for starters. We needed to have already gone to the BIg-12 and laid it out - are you inviting us or not? If not, then onto our only other option. Which is quickly becoming a problem, because I'm sure they (MW) are already working on the schedule. Good luck swooping in in January and saying hey let's merge.

That said, our best option is to poach their highest profile teams. Although excluding Hawaii and this Colorado College (minor sports affiliate), They only have 11 teams. So unless we want reinvent as the PAC 8 or 10, The only real option is to take 'em all, get' em to dissolve the MW and join the PAC, and off we go. Plus after getting screwed by the traitors, do we really want to do that to the MW? And who's to say that the top 6 or 8 would even come? Buying a pig in a poke, when you are nice and stable where you are? There again, if we take them all their stability remains and actually improves with OSU and WSU on board, and the PAC brand.

Finally, it was recently posted in another thread that Dickert would need to take a 40% pay cut for budget purposes. That is nuts, and would be suicidal.

Now maybe all this has been going on behind the scenes. But given the last year-plus I'm a doubter. Having this Oliver Luck in the mix may be helping.

And when are we firing Quackkoff?
We can go a year as independent or as part of a scheduling alliance.
You sure have a boner for Memphis and USF.

No I just want the BEST BEST G5'S as far as the following factors combined, so that PAC remains a Hybrid P5/G5 conference with 1,2 CFP spots, 1,2 NY6 bowl spots, 18 to 20 million per team media deal, etc.

Memphis, Tulane, USF, SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Rice, etc, are the ABSOLUTE BEST OF THE BEST G5's, as far as WINNING, BEATING P5'S, beating semi blue bloods, NY6 bowl appearances, NY6 bowl wins, conference championships, tradition, prominence, reputation, biggest Metros, biggest TV markets, best facilities, best fans, best money donation levels, best boosters, best chance to have a Phil Knight, Boon Pickens, best TV viewership, Past Power Conference membership(Rice(SWAC), Best Brand, Best Marketing, Best players, Best RECRUITS, Best Coaches, Best Recruiting territory, grounds, etc, as many of above factors possible combined together, etc.

WSU, OSU's P5 status, more money, etc, is more important than your objection that it's not MWC etc.

And because it's Memphis, Tulane, USF, Rice, that's why you have a Eastern Division that plays each other in Eastern Divisional games, and why you have a Western Division, with Western Divisional games.

Or you have pods. There are ways to do this that there is less travel by the student athletes.

If you and others like you have your way of MWC, instead of rebuilding the PAC with the BEST G5's possible, regardless of location, etc, then WSU would be GREATLY harmed, and both ACADEMICS, ATHLETIC would be harmed, and LOTS of people would lose jobs, etc.
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In all likelihood, if there are residual revenues/assets in the conference, and we are entitled to them, there will be at least one year as a as a de facto independent status. If not, we will be joining the MWC. Chun and Schulz know that, so they have to be cobbling schedules together right now. Big-12 membership is a pipe dream, and if we depend on that, we would be screwing ourselves. Also teams won't leave the MWC until the grant of rights penalties expire, unless we cover those penalties.

Chances are very good that the conference has been horribly mismanaged under Larry and George, and that is why the haven't been willing to open the accounting books. If conference debts exceed projected revenues, we are heading to the MWC for next year.

Likelihood remains:
1. We join the MWC for next year.
2. The conference rebuilds in 2025 or 2026
3. A distant third -- Big 12 throws us a life line
In all likelihood, if there are residual revenues/assets in the conference, and we are entitled to them, there will be at least one year as a as a de facto independent status. If not, we will be joining the MWC. Chun and Schulz know that, so they have to be cobbling schedules together right now. Big-12 membership is a pipe dream, and if we depend on that, we would be screwing ourselves. Also teams won't leave the MWC until the grant of rights penalties expire, unless we cover those penalties.

Chances are very good that the conference has been horribly mismanaged under Larry and George, and that is why the haven't been willing to open the accounting books. If conference debts exceed projected revenues, we are heading to the MWC for next year.

Likelihood remains:
1. We join the MWC for next year.
2. The conference rebuilds in 2025 or 2026
3. A distant third -- Big 12 throws us a life line

Change that to 1. PAC rebuilds in 2025-26, as that's more likely the joining MWC, 2. Joining MWC, 3. almost tied with joining MWC, because a HELL OF A LOT OF SEMI QUASI SEMI CREDIBLE SOURCES, HAVE SHOWN EXTREMELY LOGICAL, REASONABLE REASONS, FACTS, EVIDENCE, etc, why WSU, OSU might join Big 12, or ACC.

Change that to 1. PAC rebuilds in 2025-26, as that's more likely the joining MWC, 2. Joining MWC, 3. almost tied with joining MWC, because a HELL OF A LOT OF SEMI QUASI SEMI CREDIBLE SOURCES, HAVE SHOWN EXTREMELY LOGICAL, REASONABLE REASONS, FACTS, EVIDENCE, etc, why WSU, OSU might join Big 12, or ACC.

It’s anyone’s guess at this point Mik. There’s nothing to fix just opinions and speculation. I can respect people who think we ultimately merge w MWC…definite possibility. I happen to agree that we have enough leverage and reasons to be in the B12 that eventually it will happen. Probably after the season.
It’s anyone’s guess at this point Mik. There’s nothing to fix just opinions and speculation. I can respect people who think we ultimately merge w MWC…definite possibility. I happen to agree that we have enough leverage and reasons to be in the B12 that eventually it will happen. Probably after the season.

It's not just the moving to the Big 12, or ACC, and it's not just random speculation, opinions being pulled out of nowhere out of people's butts.

There is SO MUCH Evidence, facts, logic, reasons, etc, that WSU, OSU, will either 1. Rebuild the PAC with the best G5's, or 2. Have the MWC JOIN the PAC or 3. Join the Big 12 or ACC.

Joining the MWC, while still a theoretical possibility, is at best almost tied with the other options.


1. The PAC BYLAW Wording says that since the 10 gave notice, that the money, voting goes to WSU, OSU.

2. A Judge has already ruled in WSU's favor, that #1 above is true in a TRO.

3. Schultz is the CFP chair with a vote that would stop any action against WSU.




7. Because of the above WSU, OSU Is extremely BLOODY DAM LIKELY to either get the 300 million, or work out a positive in WSU, OSU's favor, settlement.

8. Because of the above, WSU is extremely bloody dam likely to either Rebuild PAC, or join Big 12 or ACC, over joining the MWC.

9. Because of the above the chances of each option is about:

Rebuilding PAC, about 67%+ chance

Joining Big 12, ACC, about 33% to 43% chance

MWC joining PAC about a 33% to 43% to 53% chance

Joining MWC about a 9% to 17% to 33% chance.

Anybody who is saying that joining the MWC, is the most likely thing, is ignoring the facts, logic, reasons, evidence, etc, and pulling a random opinion out of their butt.
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Win the lawsuit, gain assets. Big12 85%
Lose lawsuit, split revenues equal and collapse pac12. MWC 85%

Remember anyone (conference) interested in WSU and potential assets has to be quiet. There can’t be an inkling of intention until the dust settles. You will hear a lot of no interest and no plan until that day.
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In all likelihood, if there are residual revenues/assets in the conference, and we are entitled to them, there will be at least one year as a as a de facto independent status. If not, we will be joining the MWC. Chun and Schulz know that, so they have to be cobbling schedules together right now. Big-12 membership is a pipe dream, and if we depend on that, we would be screwing ourselves. Also teams won't leave the MWC until the grant of rights penalties expire, unless we cover those penalties.

Chances are very good that the conference has been horribly mismanaged under Larry and George, and that is why the haven't been willing to open the accounting books. If conference debts exceed projected revenues, we are heading to the MWC for next year.

Likelihood remains:
1. We join the MWC for next year.
2. The conference rebuilds in 2025 or 2026
3. A distant third -- Big 12 throws us a life line
I'm reasonably certain that the schedule issue is being worked on.

And, there's nothing preventing us from making arrangements with another conference right now. The bylaws only restrict us from serving notice that we're leaving. We could, at least theoretically, sign a deal today with the Big 12, MWC, or whoever to join them immediately upon the dissolution of the Pac-12. We could do that without violating the bylaws, as long as we don't announce that we've done it or provide notice to the conference office. We would be completely entitled to keep our vote on the council and also get a share of whatever the conference remnants are.
I'm reasonably certain that the schedule issue is being worked on.

And, there's nothing preventing us from making arrangements with another conference right now. The bylaws only restrict us from serving notice that we're leaving. We could, at least theoretically, sign a deal today with the Big 12, MWC, or whoever to join them immediately upon the dissolution of the Pac-12. We could do that without violating the bylaws, as long as we don't announce that we've done it or provide notice to the conference office. We would be completely entitled to keep our vote on the council and also get a share of whatever the conference remnants are.

But what if we got counter sued? JThe discovery would show we were tampering wiouldnt if?
But what if we got counter sued? JThe discovery would show we were tampering wiouldnt if?

WSU, OSU, is NOT going to get counter sued, and even IF that did happen, it would laughed out of court, dismissed, or not be successful, etc.

Like I have said for the ZILLIONTH TIME.

1. The BYLAW's wording is on WSU's side.

2. WSU has some of the best lawyers on the planet.

3. A Judge has already ruled in WSU's favor, that the money, votes, goes to WSU, that the 10 gave notice, etc, in granting the TRO.

4. WSU is going into the SAME court, and before the SAME JUDGE that already ruled in WSU's favor, and that will rule in WSU's favor AGAIN.

5. AFTER the Judge rules in WSU's favor AGAIN, that will shoot down a Counter Suit, or prevent, stop a counter suit from being successful.
If you mean TV revenue, potentially one off deals with Root Sports.
You generate revenue primarily through Ticket sales, and games on TV, the network pays the conference for each game, if you are not in a conference, you will receive some type of payment for that game. Needless to say working out a deal with Apple or Root Sports or someone to broadcast Cougar and Beaver games would be a benefit. Generating significant revenue as an independent is difficult, (unless you are Notre Dame), that is why having some type of cushion come from the Pac-12 funds is critical.
No I just want the BEST BEST G5'S as far as the following factors combined, so that PAC remains a Hybrid P5/G5 conference with 1,2 CFP spots, 1,2 NY6 bowl spots, 18 to 20 million per team media deal, etc.

Memphis, Tulane, USF, SDSU, BSU, Fresno St, UNLV, Rice, etc, are the ABSOLUTE BEST OF THE BEST G5's, as far as WINNING, BEATING P5'S, beating semi blue bloods, NY6 bowl appearances, NY6 bowl wins, conference championships, tradition, prominence, reputation, biggest Metros, biggest TV markets, best facilities, best fans, best money donation levels, best boosters, best chance to have a Phil Knight, Boon Pickens, best TV viewership, Past Power Conference membership(Rice(SWAC), Best Brand, Best Marketing, Best players, Best RECRUITS, Best Coaches, Best Recruiting territory, grounds, etc, as many of above factors possible combined together, etc.

WSU, OSU's P5 status, more money, etc, is more important than your objection that it's not MWC etc.

And because it's Memphis, Tulane, USF, Rice, that's why you have a Eastern Division that plays each other in Eastern Divisional games, and why you have a Western Division, with Western Divisional games.

Or you have pods. There are ways to do this that there is less travel by the student athletes.

If you and others like you have your way of MWC, instead of rebuilding the PAC with the BEST G5's possible, regardless of location, etc, then WSU would be GREATLY harmed, and both ACADEMICS, ATHLETIC would be harmed, and LOTS of people would lose jobs, etc.
Ok, query me this Batman. If Memphis, Tulane, Rice and USF are such coveted teams, why didn't the Big-12 take them in the last round instead of BYU, etc.? Or the ACC? And Big-12, have fun scheduling around the no Sunday games Mormons.
Ok, query me this Batman. If Memphis, Tulane, Rice and USF are such coveted teams, why didn't the Big-12 take them in the last round instead of BYU, etc.? Or the ACC? And Big-12, have fun scheduling around the no Sunday games Mormons.
What sunday games?
But what if we got counter sued? JThe discovery would show we were tampering wiouldnt if?

For one thing, at this point...countersued by who? OSU is the only one who has standing, and they'd be doing the same thing. For's not tampering. We haven't violated the rules.

I guess the big question is, and it hasn’t been decided, yet, is what is defined as intend to leave the conference.

Intent to leave is irrelevant. The bylaws don't prohibit anyone from making arrangements to leave the conference. They prohibit providing notice that you're leaving. As long as we don't announce...we're OK.

Besides, assuming we win in court, us and OSU can change the rules to say whatever we want them to.
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Ok, query me this Batman. If Memphis, Tulane, Rice and USF are such coveted teams, why didn't the Big-12 take them in the last round instead of BYU, etc.? Or the ACC? And Big-12, have fun scheduling around the no Sunday games Mormons.

Because the list of the best G5's:





And they were BETTER then

Memphis, USF, Tulane, BSU, SDSU, Fresno St

And because power conferences didn't have the room, expansion slots to take 10+ G5 teams.

Same with ACC that took a better SMU, etc.

The remaining teams on my list above are BETTER then the other Remaining teams.

1. BSU: Has a HUGE brand, and a national TV viewership, and gone to lots of NY6, and beaten BLUE bloods, etc, they have been serious contenders, candidate, for expansion, and came close many times.

2. Memphis is another National TV viewership brand. Has also come extremely close to joining ACC or Big 12, over the decades they have had LOTS of NY6 level teams, and in bball they have been almost as good as Gonzaga for a longer period of time.

3. Tulane. Tulane has been a better bball college, but lately within last 3 to 5 to 7 years they have been a powerful football program

4. SDSU almost joined Big 12 many times, and only reason didn't was because of Houston, BYU, UCF, Cincy.

5. USF they were at one time considered better then UCF and almost joined the SEC, ACC, etc, but UCF overtook them and became more desirable.

6. Fresno St has been good for a long time, but in the past there was lots of better options that are now in P5 conferences.

7 and 8 is a tie between UNLV, and Rice.

Rice has the Houston, San Antonio metros, TV viewership, and used to be in the power conference with Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc, in the SWAC, and got left behind, like SMU did.

UNLV has the TARK the Shark bball tradition.

If don't take Memphis, Tulane, USF, then your stuck with

Utah St, not as good

Airforce, not as good.

Appalachian St, pretty good, but not as good.

NDSU, pretty good, but FCS.

SDSU, pretty good, but FCS.

Tulsa, almost as good but not quite as good at bball as UNLV

UConn, bball only add.

Villanova, bball only add

Western Kentucky almost as good.

UTEP bball only

North Texas upstart, newer

UTSA. Almost as good.

Gonzaga bball only

St Mary bball only

Hawaii nowhere near good enough

Wyoming. Nowhere near good enough

New Mexico and New Mexico St, bball only
Nowhere near good enough.

Army and Navy, nowhere near good enough.

Wichita St, bball only

I may be forgetting 1,2, but out of the remaining G5 teams not in a Power Conference, BSU, Memphis, SDSU, Tulane, USF, Fresno St, UNLV, Rice, ARE THE BEST G5's out of the remaining G5's
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Because the list of the best G5's:





And they were BETTER then

Memphis, USF, Tulane, BSU, SDSU, Fresno St

And because power conferences didn't have the room, expansion slots to take 10+ G5 teams.

Same with ACC that took a better SMU, etc.

The remaining teams on my list above are BETTER then the other Remaining teams.

1. BSU: Has a HUGE brand, and a national TV viewership, and gone to lots of NY6, and beaten BLUE bloods, etc, they have been serious contenders, candidate, for expansion, and came close many times.

2. Memphis is another National TV viewership brand. Has also come extremely close to joining ACC or Big 12, over the decades they have had LOTS of NY6 level teams, and in bball they have been almost as good as Gonzaga for a longer period of time.

3. Tulane. Tulane has been a better bball college, but lately within last 3 to 5 to 7 years they have been a powerful football program

4. SDSU almost joined Big 12 many times, and only reason didn't was because of Houston, BYU, UCF, Cincy.

5. USF they were at one time considered better then UCF and almost joined the SEC, ACC, etc, but UCF overtook them and became more desirable.

6. Fresno St has been good for a long time, but in the past there was lots of better options that are now in P5 conferences.

7 and 8 is a tie between UNLV, and Rice.

Rice has the Houston, San Antonio metros, TV viewership, and used to be in the power conference with Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc, in the SWAC, and got left behind, like SMU did.

UNLV has the TARK the Shark bball tradition.

If don't take Memphis, Tulane, USF, then your stuck with

Utah St, not as good

Airforce, not as good.

Appalachian St, pretty good, but not as good.

NDSU, pretty good, but FCS.

SDSU, pretty good, but FCS.

Tulsa, almost as good but not quite as good at bball as UNLV

UConn, bball only add.

Villanova, bball only add

Western Kentucky almost as good.

UTEP bball only

North Texas upstart, newer

UTSA. Almost as good.

Gonzaga bball only

St Mary bball only

Hawaii nowhere near good enough

Wyoming. Nowhere near good enough

New Mexico and New Mexico St, bball only
Nowhere near good enough.

Army and Navy, nowhere near good enough.

Wichita St, bball only

I may be forgetting 1,2, but out of the remaining G5 teams not in a Power Conference, BSU, Memphis, SDSU, Tulane, USF, Fresno St, UNLV, Rice, ARE THE BEST G5's out of the remaining G5's
You forgot Colorado State.

Rice - 20,000 attendance
Tulane - 50,000 - I'll give you that one
Memphis - 18,000
And so on.

An Mik, your insight is ridiculous. Boise is not a huge brand nor do they have national TV viewership. Nor have they come close many times to be called up for expansion.

SDSU has not nearly joined the Big 12 many times.

See how far you have to scroll to find your favorite teams.

And why are you listing all these "BB only" schools? We aren't doing that.
You forgot Colorado State.

Rice - 20,000 attendance
Tulane - 50,000 - I'll give you that one
Memphis - 18,000
And so on.

An Mik, your insight is ridiculous. Boise is not a huge brand nor do they have national TV viewership. Nor have they come close many times to be called up for expansion.

SDSU has not nearly joined the Big 12 many times.

See how far you have to scroll to find your favorite teams.

And why are you listing all these "BB only" schools? We aren't doing that.

The point is, that BSU, SDSU, Fresno St, Memphis, Tulane, USF, UNLV, RICE ARE BETTER THEN ALL THE REMAINING G5 PROGRAMS.

And your wrong about BSU. BSU is a TRUCK SCHOOL, but not going by academics. You ask any random college football fans, if they have heard about BSU, and what they think of Boise St, and they will say, isn't that the program that has Peterson as their HC, and aren't they the ones that have that colored football field, and didn't they beat so and so in one of the BIG TIME MAIN BOWLS, etc. They have a well known, watched semi national G5 Brand, as the BEST G5 in the country. And while they haven't OFFICIALLY been added, or almost added, there have been many rumors, Big 12, ACC, others, etc, that said they were unofficially discussed under unofficial consideration. And even if they didn't use to be the best G5, back then, they are the best remaining G5, NOW.

If you ask the random college football fans, who CSU, Utah St, Wyoming, New Mexico, etc, is they usually don't know who those colleges are.

But they know who BSU, Memphis, SDSU, USF, is and think they are GOOD.

CSU is a midrange G5, they are better then some G5's, about equal to Air Force, etc, and not as good as BSU, SDSU, Fresno St, Memphis, Tulane, USF, UNLV, RICE

And your wrong about SDSU(San Diego St), they have been mentioned many times as a expansion candidate by ESPN, Fox, Rivals, SI TYPES, experts, pundits, and the Big 12 mentioned them. That was before the Big 12, decided to take UCF, Cincy OVER SDSU.

And then later when the SDSU to PAC 12 FELL APART, because of the 35 million MWC penalty, SDSU was rumored again to probably go to Big 12. Then it was rumored that SDSU would go to ACC for a time, before that got replaced by SMU to ACC.

Your stuck in 1985 to 1990 land, back when BSU, Memphis, USF, SDSU, Tulane, Fresno St, wasn't that good, etc.

For the last about 19 years BSU, Memphis, USF, SDSU, Fresno St, Tulane, etc, have been pretty good programs, with good brands, etc, that have been better then THE REMAINING G5's that are not currently in Power Conferences.

And the PAC does need to add Bball only programs like Gonzaga, St Mary, Wichita St, UConn, Butler, Villanova, etc.

Those bball only programs will help the PAC to stay P5, get more NCAA tournament bids, that pay more NCAA tournament monetary units to the PAC.

About 80 million of the 300 million is NCAA tournament monetary units, owed, paid to the PAC.

Your just flat out wrong, and don't know what your talking about here.

And your insistence that WSU, OSU, just F it and join the MWC, shows off your ignorance, that you don't know what your talking about.

Many, LOTS here, and not just me, have said the same things I have said, etc, and you wrongly, stubbornly argue against all this and anyone who talks about this and continue to pull the opinion out of your butt that WSU, OSU should join the MWC.
You forgot Colorado State.

Rice - 20,000 attendance
Tulane - 50,000 - I'll give you that one
Memphis - 18,000
And so on.

An Mik, your insight is ridiculous. Boise is not a huge brand nor do they have national TV viewership. Nor have they come close many times to be called up for expansion.

SDSU has not nearly joined the Big 12 many times.

See how far you have to scroll to find your favorite teams.

And why are you listing all these "BB only" schools? We aren't doing that.


Yes TV ratings are very important, but it's not the only thing that matters.

There is how many wins, bowl game seasons, etc, they have had.

How many semi blue bloods they have semi consistently beaten.


almost everyone knows who Boise St and Notre Dame is, and what Boise St has done, and what Notre Dame has done.

Nobody has heard of Wyoming, New Mexico, etc, and what they have done.

And there is the size of the METROS, and THE POTENTIAL TV VIEWERSHIP market.

You take a G5 program, that has won a lot of games, gone to a lot of bowl games, beaten a lot of semi blue bloods, have gone to NY6 bowls, are popular, well known, have a great reputation, have a huge metro, and good potential viewership, then that will trump a college like CSU that might have technically higher TV viewership, TV ratings.

And the reason for that, is that the popularity, success, reputation, etc, can cause the Potential TV viewership numbers and ACTUAL technical TV viewership numbers TO GO UP HIGHER, then the CSU type college that technically might have more short term TV viewership.

This is why Cincy went to the Big 12.

There are probably other G5's that might have technically higher TV viewership numbers then Cincy.

But Cincy has had more success, gone to more NY6 bowls, and best more semi blue bloods, etc, and that because of that, have a REPUTATION, BRAND, that in the future will cause their TV viewership to go up, and the POTENTIAL of their Cincinnati HUGE METRO POTENTIAL to be REALIZED, ACHIEVED in the FUTURE.

They Cincinnati have a HIGHER CEILING then those like a CSU type that might technically have higher TV in short term.

So because of that, that why Big 12 took Cincinnati over a CSU type that might have the short term technically higher TV.

Memphis can make the same argument as Cincinnati.

So TV ratings isn't the only consideration.

And there are G5 college with technically higher short term TV viewership, that is not as good as other G5 colleges that have a bigger brand, more success, but technically lower TV in the short term.

Memphis is very comparable to Cincinnati.

Yes TV ratings are very important, but it's not the only thing that matters.

There is how many wins, bowl game seasons, etc, they have had.

How many semi blue bloods they have semi consistently beaten.


almost everyone knows who Boise St and Notre Dame is, and what Boise St has done, and what Notre Dame has done.

Nobody has heard of Wyoming, New Mexico, etc, and what they have done.

And there is the size of the METROS, and THE POTENTIAL TV VIEWERSHIP market.

You take a G5 program, that has won a lot of games, gone to a lot of bowl games, beaten a lot of semi blue bloods, have gone to NY6 bowls, are popular, well known, have a great reputation, have a huge metro, and good potential viewership, then that will trump a college like CSU that might have technically higher TV viewership, TV ratings.

And the reason for that, is that the popularity, success, reputation, etc, can cause the Potential TV viewership numbers and ACTUAL technical TV viewership numbers TO GO UP HIGHER, then the CSU type college that technically might have more short term TV viewership.

This is why Cincy went to the Big 12.

There are probably other G5's that might have technically higher TV viewership numbers then Cincy.

But Cincy has had more success, gone to more NY6 bowls, and best more semi blue bloods, etc, and that because of that, have a REPUTATION, BRAND, that in the future will cause their TV viewership to go up, and the POTENTIAL of their Cincinnati HUGE METRO POTENTIAL to be REALIZED, ACHIEVED in the FUTURE.

They Cincinnati have a HIGHER CEILING then those like a CSU type that might technically have higher TV in short term.

So because of that, that why Big 12 took Cincinnati over a CSU type that might have the short term technically higher TV.

Memphis can make the same argument as Cincinnati.

So TV ratings isn't the only consideration.

And there are G5 college with technically higher short term TV viewership, that is not as good as other G5 colleges that have a bigger brand, more success, but technically lower TV in the short term.

Memphis is very comparable to Cincinnati.

"TV ratings are very important, but it's not the only thing that matters." Really?

I'm done debating you on this. You just keep making shit up and act as if you are some CFB expert. Newsflash -- you aren't.
"TV ratings are very important, but it's not the only thing that matters." Really?

I'm done debating you on this. You just keep making shit up and act as if you are some CFB expert. Newsflash -- you aren't.

Now your twisting what I said.

There is a thing such as SHORT TERM, TECHNICALLY HIGHER TV.

And there is such a thing as HIGHER CEILING.

Basically there might be G5 WSU types that have technically short term technically higher TV, and G5, USC, OREGON, UTAH, UW, UCLA, ETC, TYPES that have a BIGGER METRO, WITH A HIGHER CEILING, but either the same level or slightly less TV then the G5 WSU type, but a higher ceiling TV POTENTIAL.

That's kind of like how, why WSU is where we are.

WSU has higher TV viewership then ASU, etc, but ASU, Phoenix, has a higher TV ceiling, potential then WSU, Pullman.

And that's why Cincinnati is in Big 12, instead of a G5, WSU type with a technically higher short term, technically higher TV, but a lower TV CEILING, POTENTIAL.

Cincinnati is like ASU, Phoenix.

And Memphis is like Cincinnati

If WSU hadn't been a PAC power conference team, and instead been a slightly lesser football program, and had instead been a MWC, G5 program.

And if that WSU, Pullman had a just barely slightly technically higher TV in short term, but lower ceiling.

And if it was between that WSU, Pullman, and either a Cincinnati or a Memphis with a higher TV ceiling potential, etc, for 1 power conference slot.

Then I would choose, and ESPN, Power Conferences would choose Cincinnati or Memphis over that G5 WSU Pullman.

Programs like Memphis, USF, SDSU, Fresno St, have a better, TV ceiling potential over a G5 WSU type, CSU, Wyoming, whichever of those teams, if those teams, etc, have a short term, technically higher TV, and because of that Memphis, USF, SDSU, Fresno St, are better brands, programs, then a G5 WSU type, CSU, Wyoming, etc, whichever of which had the just barely, technically short term, technically higher TV, but lower ceiling potential.

Most here get this.

But you are stubborn, illogical, argumentative, and your opinion is wrong, and you cherry pick.

Pretty much everybody has sided against your dumb F it, join MWC, opinion.

Pretty much everyone except you, etc, agree that the best G5 programs are BSU, Memphis, SDSU, USF, Fresno St, Tulane, UNLV, RICE, OVER teams like Utah St, Airforce, Wyoming, Hawai, New Mexico, New Mexico St, CSU, etc.
"TV ratings are very important, but it's not the only thing that matters." Really?

I'm done debating you on this. You just keep making shit up and act as if you are some CFB expert. Newsflash -- you aren't. need to quit wasting your time arguing with Mik. He's passionate...but he often falls into the "he who knows the least, knows it the loudest". He'll have some good points, but he will die on hills that aren't worth dying on at least 20, 30, 40, 50 percent of the time. need to quit wasting your time arguing with Mik. He's passionate...but he often falls into the "he who knows the least, knows it the loudest". He'll have some good points, but he will die on hills that aren't worth dying on at least 20, 30, 40, 50 percent of the time.
I’m starting to picture Mik with a wife beater tank top yelling like a WWF wrestler with AJ hawk puffing on a cigar in the background. need to quit wasting your time arguing with Mik. He's passionate...but he often falls into the "he who knows the least, knows it the loudest". He'll have some good points, but he will die on hills that aren't worth dying on at least 20, 30, 40, 50 percent of the time.
Yeah I have shied away from engaging him, but this latest round of bellicose put me over the top. Just throw out a bunch of BS with no basis in fact, then throw out the names of all these schools clear across the country with no indication as to whether they would be interested in the PAC. My guess is hell no. Villanova in basketball? Memphis?

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