PAC-12 finances

Ideas on how to solve our geography problem folks? I think this is a big issue.

Neuheisal is right about size of players.

The lavish offices and Scott's ridiculous salary must be addressed. What a scam.

I think we have a big problem.

They either have to decide to play the "game" and go all in or pull out. There is no in between. I would pull back in football as a conference. The football circle jerk isn't an NCAA sanctioned thing, so it wouldn't affect anything else and the way the system is set up now, we're never gonna get a fair shake even if we started competing at that level.

Anyone else realize this all these changes happened a couple years after USC was kicking everyone's ass across the country? It didn't take long for the good 'ole boys to make changes to stop that quick. As soon as the BCS came in, the Pac was screwed. Even those SC teams had to go undefeated to get in. They got a strangle hold on it and they aren't gonna let go.

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