Different strokes for different folks. Ernie is prone to hyperbole, it's his style. He's a salesman. I have zero issues with Ernie selling a dream. I'll never understand deducting points from a guy for being overly optimistic, especially when comparing this attitude to the wet blanket personalities of Bone and Wulff. Ernie has me curious about what the Cougs can do this year, even if I have no delusions about this squad finishing in the top half of the conference.
I reckon 90% of the anger directed at Kent is because of his persona. Brand Y had a rambling article complaining about how Kent isn't crapping on his team enough. How dare a coach have the audacity to spin the challenges inherit to playing in Pullman as a positive?
My question to the Kent haters is what hope do we have of reasonably doing better than Kent? We still need new facilities, we still need chartered flights, we and we'll need to pay a new coach at least as much as Ernie is making now. And without those upgrades, even if we were to get lucky and have a coach come in defy the odds and build a winner he'd be on the first train out of town ala Tony Bennett. But I never get a response to these concerns, all I get is "yeah, but don't you hate Kent?"
By my assessment of things, Kent's teams play hard but haven't won many games. They need to get more talented but they are no where as painful to watch as early Bennett ball. If we improve, and I'm rooting for him to succeed, Kent is worth his generous salary. If we struggle, Kent is a dead man walking and we have 2-3 more years of zombie basketball.
The scenario where we win should be preferable to all Coug fans. For whatever reason, folks are rooting for him to fail because they don't like how the coach talks about his team.
Fair and reasonable post. Here's my response:
1) New facilities, chartered flights, etc....are we more likely to get that kind of investment in the WSU basketball program with or without Ernie as head coach? From my point of view, fundraising for the program is not going anywhere while Kent is there. A new coach and a fresh start may offer some hope and excitement around the program, enough to attract some donations.
2) Early Bennett Ball may have been painful at the time, but a lot of us could see that Dick was building a solid program. Obviously, very few, if anyone, could envision back-to-back 26 win seasons with Bennett Ball....but you would be blind not to see that a dramatic improvement was taking place with the recruits Dick & Tony brought in. I see nothing comparable in the Kent era after 4 seasons....1 more than what Dick had.
3) I have zero problem with a new coach coming in and leaving after a few years, ala Tony. That happens when that coach is successful. I like winning. If the formula for successful Cougar basketball is making Pullman a stepping stone, so be it.
4) I don't condone rooting against Kent and WSU...I actually don't think very many Cougar fans want failure...but at least those fans care enough about the program to want a change for the better. Unfortunately, way too many would-be fans no longer care what happens with Cougar basketball. Ambivalence and apathy are way more dangerous to a program than fans who are critical and are not content with its direction.
5) At what point do you say enough is enough? EK has the second lowest winning percentage of WSU basketball coaches who remained for at least 3 years. Only the infamous Paul Graham was worse. The generous contract offered by Buddy Bill Moos is the only reason EK is getting a 5th year, it certainly can't be because his tenure has demonstrated any success. I just refuse to think we can't do better. If you believe that, WSU basketball is basically doomed forever.
6) And finally, miracles can happen. If Ernie pulls off an improbable year that comes close to matching his self-hype, then people like me will admit we were wrong. I'll be happy to come here and say it. But we haven't been wrong yet after continuous years of EK's pie-in-the-sky rhetoric.
Glad Cougar