Chaz said the official went into the huddle during the timeout and apologized for misinterpreting what Efe said after the block. Didn’t change the T though so strange.
Just a bad call period though.
That would have been a huge scandal if that would have cost WSU the game.
It almost did.
The Ref Apologizing to Efe in the Huddle, saying he "Misinterpreted what he heard", that supposedly prompted him to call a WRONG technical foul on Efe, means he was basically saying, admitting:
"I'm sorry, I misinterpreted what you said EFe, I thought you had said such and such, and that because of that, that's why I called the WRONG technical foul on you. I shouldnt have called a technical foul on you. I screwed up. I made a mistake. I'm sorry."
That was PURE INCOMPETANCE on the Ref's part
1. Unless its something clearly technical foul worthy, you let it go uncalled.
2. If you THINK you heard, but arent totally 100% sure what you heard, you dont call the technical, and let it go in that close of a game.
3. You only call the technical, if you are 100% sure what you heard, and if its a CLEARLY Technical Foul worthy, when in a CLOSE game.
I have been a referee in Soccer, Basketball, and have umpired baseball, softball.
There are times I didnt call a Red/Yellow card(Soccer version of a Technical Foul), when I could have, because what was said, did, was borderline, ticky, tacky, and I wasnt all to sure what I heard or saw.
Same for Basketball. I have left some technical fouls uncalled.
And in umpiring, I could have ejected a player(Baseball's version of a technical foul), but didnt because it was borderline.
My Baseball Umpire Assigning Secretary, who was a VETERAN umpire, would always say:
"Your Job is to call the game. Balls and strike, Safe and Out. Your NOT there to be seen and heard. Try to avoid arguing with players and coaches, try to avoid ejecting players. Its up to the players to decide the game, thru their gameplay. Dont affect, decide the game due to blown calls, mistake. That is part of not being seen, heard. If your doing your job right, you will accurately, quietly call balls, strikes, safe, out, catch, no catch, and wont be seen, heard, and all that will be remembered of the game, is not you, the umpire, but the players, gameplay. Do not, try not to be what people remember about the game.
Its clear that the Ref, Pac 12 refs, doesnt go by that.
At least the Ref apologized for his incompetance
And at least it didnt cost WSU the game, like it could have.