PDX radio hacks


Hall Of Fame
Oct 2, 2007
Tyson Alger, ducks beat writer, just compared the game to a Welter weight fighting a heavy weight.

They fully expect to steam roll us.

I cannot wait to make them STFU.
We’ve been playing well and have beat them 3 years in a row. I can see why he’s so over confident. Lots of delusion in Portland though. To be expected in a city where the motto is “Keep Portland weird !!”
This will be the best iteration of Duckitude we have faced since 2014. But this is not that team, and our team is much better now than it was then. Browning had little trouble with them in the 2nd half, and he's not the passer in his offense that Minshew is in his. I'm actually curious to see what Leavitt comes up with, since he was the first guy in 2015 to really shut down Falk once he got rolling. Minshew will be tougher though. Far better at improvising. And they may be more physical up front, but they don't have Royce Freeman anymore either
Not to mention it’s a bastion for the ANTIFA crowd.. ug, talk about delusional. Cougs need only to prepare for the multitude of excuses that’ll be coming our way starting sat night at oh, about 830pm..
There were many reasons why my wife and I moved away from Portland six months ago after living virtually our entire lives in Oregon. The major reason was to live closer to our only grandchild. But there's no doubt the city and state have changed way too much, and not for the better. The liberalism has morphed into radicalism in many cases and the city has attracted a collection of angry, dirty, bizarre, violent and extremely intolerant people who have no use for those who don't conform & adopt to the same way of thinking. None of that really has much to do with college football but there's no doubt that a lot of Duck fans have been eager to shed any sense of humility they may have had the past couple of years and have returned to an entitled and elitist attitude. I'd love nothing more than to humble them on Saturday and read their excuses on Sunday.

Glad Cougar

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