Pullman Emergecy Declaration

In all seriousness, I wonder if there is a maximum occupancy for a city.

How would you like to be a pizza delivery guy
In all seriousness, I wonder if there is a maximum occupancy for a city.

How would you like to be a pizza delivery guy
How’d you like to be the guy running the sewer plant? Just about guaranteed there will be brown trout in the Palouse river Sunday morning
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How’d you like to be the guy running the sewer plant? Just about guaranteed there will be brown trout in the Palouse river Sunday morning

Oh I don't know about that. I think this crowd estimate is way overblown. The Pullman paper actually estimates 100,000.

C'mon. You have a sellout game crowd. OK. That won't get bigger. With no game ticket, or place to stay, are you really going to drive to Pullman and get there before 6AM to stand in a crowd? Then go home at 9AM? Of course not - except for a crazy few.

There will be plenty of people to max out Gameday - like the 18,000 students who are there all year, pooping up a storm. You will have the ticket holders and RV'ers that are there every game. And a bunch of locals.
Oh I don't know about that. I think this crowd estimate is way overblown. The Pullman paper actually estimates 100,000.

C'mon. You have a sellout game crowd. OK. That won't get bigger. With no game ticket, or place to stay, are you really going to drive to Pullman and get there before 6AM to stand in a crowd? Then go home at 9AM? Of course not - except for a crazy few.

There will be plenty of people to max out Gameday - like the 18,000 students who are there all year, pooping up a storm. You will have the ticket holders and RV'ers that are there every game. And a bunch of locals.
Pullman is a town of 30K. Then there’s what 20K students. Of that maybe 12-15K are actually regulars at the games, so there’s the potential for another 35K LOCALS who won’t even be going to the game (sure not all will come but many will be curious and show up). Then you have all the people coming from Seattle, Spokane, etc to go to the game. And there will be people that will come from that far away without tix too. Plus any other curious folks from surrounding towns, Lewiston, Moscow, etc. I don’t know if 100K, but certainly could be 50K + easily which would be enourmous. With all the pub on this it’s only gaining steam.
How’d you like to be the guy running the sewer plant? Just about guaranteed there will be brown trout in the Palouse river Sunday morning
They experience something like this every August the week the students come back. (The plant is designed for surges, but not all surges are the same).
Back in the day, they had a Post-Doc running the P-town poop plant. Most towns that size it is somebody with a JC degree (if they are lucky)
Yeah, I think the estimates of crowd size are overblown. I don’t expect that many people who don’t have a ticket for the game will come to town.
Pullman is a town of 30K. Then there’s what 20K students. Of that maybe 12-15K are actually regulars at the games, so there’s the potential for another 35K LOCALS who won’t even be going to the game (sure not all will come but many will be curious and show up). Then you have all the people coming from Seattle, Spokane, etc to go to the game. And there will be people that will come from that far away without tix too. Plus any other curious folks from surrounding towns, Lewiston, Moscow, etc. I don’t know if 100K, but certainly could be 50K + easily which would be enourmous. With all the pub on this it’s only gaining steam.

Uh no - the 30,000 population includes the 20,000 students.

Look lots of people will be at Gameday. It will be epic. But there won't be 50,000 people.
How’d you like to be the guy running the sewer plant? Just about guaranteed there will be brown trout in the Palouse river Sunday morning

It all runs downhill from College Hill.
The crowd size estimate discussions kind of remind me of our local meteorologist reporting on a snow storm coming in. "Folks, this is a dire situation! We could get up to 16" of snow! Please take precautions....go to the store....stock up on food....get your snow removal gear ready!.....This will be a record storm!" And we get 1/2" of snow...........

Based on the crowd showing up for the trucks yesterday, I think we'll have a decent amount of people show up and it wouldn't surprise me if it's well over 10,000. The roads are terrible when we try to get people out of Pullman after a game and that's only 10k-15k trying to leave. With the limited hotels, a lot of people would have to drive and I don't see 70,000 people driving to Pullman at 4 am on Saturday morning to get the 100,000 estimate that's been thrown out there. We might break the College Gameday attendance record (18,000 as far as I can find) but I'll be blown away if we even get close to 30,000.

By the way....this is what 9,000 people at college gameday looks like:


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