Crimson, you just made me laugh
You are spot on.
I was just talking to an Engineer that has oversight on projects. Lots and lots of cable that are fairly heavy. He was talking about a guy on a crew that was some big body builder. Massive dude
Biggest wuss in the world. His nickname was "Window Dressing" because he whined, complained, bitched and moaned about how much work it was to do the job. He was completely useless. Suffice it to say, he didn't even get fired! He left before the firing gears could get moving!!! We started laughing together and thought of this other kid, about 140lb, 5'6" skinny as a rail and busts his butt, works his tail off and got more work done than "WD"
And lifted just as much cable and did so more efficiently.
It doesn't matter regarding what venue, what market, what niche, what employer
what makes you valuable is whats between your ears.