Now that would be a good get, would fill a need and would complement Bonton in either could play alongside Bonton, or replace Bonton as the PG, an or could back up Bonton as the PG.
Now if get that PG would need to get either a 5, big, or at least a 6 ft 7 in stretch 4.
I dont want a player to leave or be chased, or feel like they are wanted to leave.
And dont want the wrong player to leave.
But that said WSU really needs a extra scholarship to be freed up to be able to get either 1 Big, 1 versatile flexible hybrid 2,3,4 , or 1 Big/stretch 4, 1 pg, etc.
If just get either a 2, SG or PG, and dont get at least another 5, big, or at least a stretch 4, that would not be good.
So I hope get the PG, or get a PG, but I also hope WSU gets another scholarship freed up to get either a 5, big, or a stretch 4 hybrid.