

Hall Of Fame
Apr 21, 2008
I know myself and others have asked this question before but... What is up with Wade? Last night Cooper got more time than Wade. Pollard has finally started to finish in the post, but in 18 minutes he got zero rebounds. Wade seemed to have promise in the preseason but has moved way down the bench. Is he injured? Does Kent think he’s to small for certain teams? Is he in Kent’s doghouse for some other reason? It would be one thing if some player had stepped up and taken his time but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Also why make a point early to establish a post scoring threat if your never going to go back to it?
I am just speculating on Wade but I think it's a combination of the missed time and that he was already struggling to figure things out coming into the season. If we can believe Ernie he said they were playing him early solely at the 5 because he was struggling to pick up both positions. After the first few games he missed a lot of time in ooc maybe compounding the issues against lessor competition.

We were never going to be real strong inside but Wade was obviously a key guy in the equation. It's been good to see Pollard able convert some shots but he just doesn't have the combination of athleticism, size, or length to defend and rebound most Pac 12 bigs.
Wade fell behind after the injury but I think Cooper playing over him against OSU was a matter of match ups. OSU is big inside. Wade doesn't the size to compete with big 4's and 5's. He'd be much better at the 3, but then he's got to compete with Elleby and Cannon (and Kunc). Of course Cooper doesn't have the athleticism or talent to match up either so go figure. Pollard got those 2 buckets and they never really went back to him. The few times they did he was too far out and often doubled.
Wade fell behind after the injury but I think Cooper playing over him against OSU was a matter of match ups. OSU is big inside. Wade doesn't the size to compete with big 4's and 5's. He'd be much better at the 3, but then he's got to compete with Elleby and Cannon (and Kunc). Of course Cooper doesn't have the athleticism or talent to match up either so go figure. Pollard got those 2 buckets and they never really went back to him. The few times they did he was too far out and often doubled.
Sounds like you're saying Kent hasn't recruited the Jimmies and Joes to compete at this level. Imagine that. Compound that with an utter failure to coach 'em up and you get what we got.
Wade looked very athletic and strong at the start of the year. I thought the only ussue would be keeping him out if foul trouble
I could see Wade having a Fred Ferguson-like year 2. A lot of the pieces are there it's just putting it all together. Unfortunately with the typical 2 year JC there isn't a lot of time for the light to go on.
Kent needs to play Wade. In rebounding size can be overcome. Pollard is a reserve and can still help on that role.
Wade needs to play only if he has earned it and can contribute to the teams success. He played well in two conference games which were after the injury but since has played very little. Skaggs playing time has dropped because his effectiveness has dropped but as far as I can see Wade didn’t have a bad game he went from a good game to not playing. Sounds like he is in Kent’s doghouse for something.
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