WBB Dumpster Fire


Hall Of Fame
Jan 30, 2003
My sources tell me that the Alaska coach is not happening. Also the team is down to seven players now with one known recruit the last Molina sister. The Greek Twins are not happening.

That leaves eight openings for the current class and the AD seems to have fired June without any sort of a plan in place which is hard to believe.

June was making around 250K when given her Moooooos back in 2012 so they will have to put out some more serious funds to attract as top-flight D1 coach to fill the job. Heck 1.4 Million for Kent. Should be able to pay 600K for a WBB HC.

Caila, Pinelopi, Krystle(retired) -- Seniors, Lou(Left), Kayla (Left), Nike(Left), Cameron (grades) that is 7 that are gone.

Better get someone with good contacts that can bing in some Euros, Aussies, and some preps with no time left.
That's too bad with the Alaska coach because he looks like an up-and-coming coach even though it's at the D-II level.

Lots of spots to fill. I had wondered where Cameron Fernandez disappeared to so that's too bad.

On "the plan" it doesn't seem like letting June go was necessarily the plan when Chun came in? Maybe it just became apparent moving in a different direction was the best course? The players that are left seem committed to staying but if the hire isn't to their liking we could see more defections.

It's too bad it's come to this.
Interesting in that McCarthy may be raising the stakes? I have no inside information but hiring coaches is never an open and shut case. i have no idea of what his current salary is and Pullman would not be a culture shock to his family
My sources tell me that the Alaska coach is not happening. Also the team is down to seven players now with one known recruit the last Molina sister. The Greek Twins are not happening.

That leaves eight openings for the current class and the AD seems to have fired June without any sort of a plan in place which is hard to believe.

June was making around 250K when given her Moooooos back in 2012 so they will have to put out some more serious funds to attract as top-flight D1 coach to fill the job. Heck 1.4 Million for Kent. Should be able to pay 600K for a WBB HC.

Caila, Pinelopi, Krystle(retired) -- Seniors, Lou(Left), Kayla (Left), Nike(Left), Cameron (grades) that is 7 that are gone.

Better get someone with good contacts that can bing in some Euros, Aussies, and some preps with no time left.

$600K for a Women's coach is shooting way too high. Finding salaries for Women's coaches is a heckuva lot harder than for men. But per the article and related database below, June made $368,000 in 16-17 (plus job for hubby). Lowest in the Pac-12 was $235,000. You have to go quite a ways down the list to get to $600,000 (I'm looking at total compensation here). And this is just the Power 5 conferences.

Regarding the Alaska coach (McCarthy), he was hired at about $70,000 6 years ago. Can't find anything recent, but if he is making more than $120,000 I would be shocked. We are talking D-2 here. Remember that D-1 has 370-some programs. Further bet that among those 370-odd programs, there are a whole bunch of coaches making $100K or less. Not suggesting we totally cheap out, but the salary stakes in women's BB are a lot lower than men's. If we can't lure a D-2 coach from Alaska by doubling his salary (or more) then we are really in trouble.
Yup give him what JD was making ,and find a job for his wife, and call it good.

Interestingly enough, his bio mentions two young daughters, but not a wife. That could actually be the issue if he has gotten divorced and his ex is in Anchorage with the kids. Career versus being close to your children. So let's offer HER a job down here, then go after him.......
So June was close to the bottom of the conference in total compensation. These numbers go back quite a ways (looks like a coach removed for UA & UW) but surprised Cal's Gottlieb is close to the top ahead of both of the Oregon coaches. I'm assuming Stanford and SC are close to the top although omitted due to being private schools.

We aren't going to break the bank on this hire. I doubt it anyway. That's why McCarthy made some sense to me. He's succeeded at a high level and he can't be making much even after his first contract. I couldn't find what he was currently making either but the article I found said his first contract for $70,000 was for 3 years.

Anyway, would expect something this week. At least some decent leaks.
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McCarthy would seemingly be at the top of the list. He played basketball for Northwest Nazerene which is located in Nampa, Idaho. He was also associate head coach there prior to being hired at AA.So he is very familiar with the northwest area. That is about 300 miles from Pullman.If not ,one hopes they have other good candidates on a short list
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So June was close to the bottom of the conference in total compensation. These numbers go back quite a ways (looks like a coach removed for UA & UW) but surprised Cal's Gottlieb is close to the top ahead of both of the Oregon coaches. I'm assuming Stanford and SC are close to the top although omitted due to being private schools.

We aren't going to break the bank on this hire. I doubt it anyway. That's why McCarthy made some sense to me. He's succeeded at a high level and he can't be making much even after his first contract. I couldn't find what he was currently making either but the article I found said his first contract for $70,000 was for 3 years.

Anyway, would expect something this week. At least some decent leaks.

Yah I assume the Stanford coach is up towards the top of the entire list, not just the Pac-12. And these are 16-17 numbers. UW's coach left in April, 2017. So they aren't that outdated.

And if you hear any leaks you'd better post them here first as opposed to that other place........:D

Does Women's Basketball follow the same signing period as Men's? If so, wouldn't it be kind of nice to have a coach?
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Does Women's Basketball follow the same signing period as Men's? If so, wouldn't it be kind of nice to have a coach?
I am thinking the same thing. No coach, reduced recruiting, reduced or no new class at all. Makes me wonder if Chun had a plan in place when he ushered June out the door. More than a little worrisome.
I am thinking the same thing. No coach, reduced recruiting, reduced or no new class at all. Makes me wonder if Chun had a plan in place when he ushered June out the door. More than a little worrisome.

Thanx for the like. :) I don't know why you are still wondering, it's been a month, Basketball is long over. There was no plan. Which is fine if you get on your horse and do something.
I am thinking the same thing. No coach, reduced recruiting, reduced or no new class at all. Makes me wonder if Chun had a plan in place when he ushered June out the door. More than a little worrisome.

Well he had no plan, and the rumour mill is in full rage. I know of several coaches who he looked at. If these message boards and purported journalists did any kind of job it would all be public knowledge.
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Well he had no plan, and the rumour mill is in full rage. I know of several coaches who he looked at. If these message boards and purported journalists did any kind of job it would all be public knowledge.

C'mon, spill the beans on these coaches. It has now been a month since JD was let go. I see that Clemson fired their coach March 27, and just announced the new hire today. 17 days. Although in fairness, other recently filled D-1 jobs have taken about a month to fill.
C'mon, spill the beans on these coaches. It has now been a month since JD was let go. I see that Clemson fired their coach March 27, and just announced the new hire today. 17 days. Although in fairness, other recently filled D-1 jobs have taken about a month to fill.
Maybe June is heading up the search committee? o_O
Wait, now. I have zero inside information, but June wasn't in Pullman for AT LEAST half the season. Rumor mill said she was in AZ due to health issues. No real info or confirmation. Complete rumor. But we have zero knowledge as to how her "firing" took place, do we?
It is past history and time to move on with the new coach. The"dumpster fire" was a false alarm.
I think so. i think that the program is probably in the best shape that it has been in the last years. The cougs have a excellent coach with eight players who want to play for the new coach It turned out to be addition by subtraction.
I look forward to seeing if the same team without a few players improves next year. I actually expect a better record next year.
Yes a nice new coach and finally getting rid of June's husband will help a bunch. Never was excited about the odd defense either.

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