1 p.m. Any earlier and your in-game refreshments wreak havoc with the remainder of your day, rendering any post-game family activities pretty much moot, as far as you are concerned.some are saying 9am....I'm thinking 11pm. What are you thinking?
some are saying 9am....I'm thinking 11pm. What are you thinking?
some are saying 9am....I'm thinking 11am. What are you thinking?
some are saying 9am....I'm thinking 11am. What are you thinking?
Hmmm. On Cougar Gameday in Pullman it’s 16 hours of being awake. -4 hours being at game. 12 hours of drinking regardless of what time game is. Not quite understanding your argument here.1 p.m. Any earlier and your in-game refreshments wreak havoc with the remainder of your day, rendering any post-game family activities pretty much moot, as far as you are concerned.
Only for those in Central Time Zone and it is for TV.It's pretty routine for the rest of the country (particularly the Big 10 and Big 12) to start games at 11 am local time.
Those were the days. Whooooaa Nellieee! God I miss those old ABC graphics too. First and 10...I almost miss the low def grainy picture! They don’t do em like they used to.I’m old school. 12:30 on ABC. Pac10 game of the week!
I’m old school. 12:30 on ABC. Pac10 game of the week!
Only for those in Central Time Zone and it is for TV.
The Eastern Time Zone teams in Big 10 and West Virginia in Big 12 do not have 11am starts.
9am is insane—you haven’t even gotten over last nights hangover to be able to get a coat of grease in the stomach from breakfast to Make the Saturday morning beers go down easier. 1pm is ideal—morning/afternoon to socialize and barbecue, then catch the game.
Make a time machine and make me 20 years old again and I willSoft. Stay up all night.
Make a time machine and make me 20 years old again and I will
I don’t know...maybe...after further introspection, no.Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching???
Soft. Stay up all night.