Seems like they would have to close Stadium Way if they were going to do that. Maybe the Mall, and leave Stadium Way for Fox.
The Pac-12 Networks nailed it for the Utah game. Setup right next to the new building on Stadium Way, with Martin in the background. Problem is, as just mentioned.....they would have to close off Stadium Way.
Not only that, but who's going to pay for the bill that City Hall will receive? $25,000 for additional police and security, etc. I'm sure they'll be brining in security from Lewiston and Spokane and paying overtime for this. Go Fund Me? City Hall or WSU faces a new problem, they'll have, regarding spending additional resources for security.
Disagree. The backside of the North Side stadium, isn't very flattering. Looks weak. Almost like bleachers.Another thought - Cougville moves to the track, Game day on the practice fiekd.
And cover up the Lane Rawlins Paysless signJust put it where the Pac 12 was setup.
The Pac-12 network's spot along Stadium Way with the Stadium in the background was pretty good. I'd put it there.
Another thought - Cougville moves to the track, Game day on the practice fiekd.
Disagree. The backside of the North Side stadium, isn't very flattering. Looks weak. Almost like bleachers.
Have them call the mayor. He knows football, the campus and broadcasting!Ok. This thing is going to be huge. So no to the Pac-12 site. not nearly big enough.
So that leaves the track, practice fields or maybe the Baseball field. Or the Terrell mall.
No on the practice fields, they need to set the thing up a day before which would disrupt practice. Track is pretty logical, even if the view of stadium isn't that flattering. Terrell mall next, although top of the library is ideal view-wise, but I'm not sure they could fit in all the fans who will be there - spilling down the mall both ways around the corners.....
Have them call the mayor. He knows football, the campus and broadcasting!
I say the Pac-12 spot is by far the best and absolutely cover the V. Lane Rawlins sign, (good catch CougEd, totally agree!). Are you hearing this ESPN?
Stadium Way would have to be shut down, but hey it's 6-9am, no problem! Don't forget to order and bring is extra porta-potties! LOL.
I think the background needs to be pretty flat. It was for the few game days I’ve been to.That’s a lot of people to shut down Stadium Way.
Practice field
gameday will want flat with lots of room behind for fans.......I'd say the practice field... with the FOB in the background
They were here last week.They’ve probably already scouted it out. If someone didn’t fly in today they’ve been here before and they already know where they are going to set up.
Glen Terrell Mall.
I could also see it being held by the clock tower. The early morning shine of the clock would be sweet.