Will Beasley ever get demonlished?


Hall Of Fame
Oct 13, 2002
Scottsdale, AZ
Do you think, in the next 25 years, Beasley will ever see a wrecking ball? Demolish the colisum and build new? Isn't it getting close to 40 years?
Do you think, in the next 25 years, Beasley will ever see a wrecking ball? Demolish the colisum and build new? Isn't it getting close to 40 years?
I don't know the answer but is Beasley still considered a 'regional performance center'? Even though it's outdated the reason it was built in the first place was because it was a multi-purpose venue for the "region" and not just WSU hoops.

There are hoops plans out there but off the to of my head I can't remember whether it involved a Beasley tear down or a totally new facility. Whatever they ultimately build I hope it doesn't go down to 6K capacity like a K2. Even if you have empty seats I think you need to be at 8K minimum for a P5. I don't have a lot to base that on. I know attendance is dropping league and nationwide to the point 10K+ may not make sense. At the moment we could get 5,000 to show up most nights.

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