Cited loyal citing the spokesman, citing ED and Boobie.
I chose to believe that he was actually trying to cite me

Wah, wah what? Please explain, Twitter fiends?

So CML, who is a buddy of mine in real life, tweeted my humble but all-knowing post? I'm so confused!

I guess I need to go from 15 year subscriber, to freeloader as of today, to paid contributor to this site. Seems about right. :rolleyes:
I guess I need to go from 15 year subscriber, to freeloader as of today, to paid contributor to this site.


Somehow your “freeloader” comment reminds of what I discovered about the famous political analyst Rush Limbaugh, whereby he used to spend many an hour blasting welfare recipients and lo and behold it turns out Mr. Limbaugh himself partook of public assistance.

Don’t know if it’s true or not. Just heard or read it somewhere a while back.
F Dickerson. Bad look for an nfl front office guy. If this goes unnoticed with the rams - it won’t - I’ll be shocked. Is Saban going to be ok with a front office guy bad mouthing his view on a player coming out early? Bad PR for Rams.
F Dickerson. Bad look for an nfl front office guy. If this goes unnoticed with the rams - it won’t - I’ll be shocked. Is Saban going to be ok with a front office guy bad mouthing his view on a player coming out early? Bad PR for Rams.

I assume Dickerson is an ambassador type holding a VP position. I can’t imagine anyone would give him real responsibility.
I was thinking the same thing .It does surprise me he is anywhere near this or any other board .

And worse yet he quotes loyal .:)

Leach is about as good at using Twitter as you are at typing.
Speak for yourself. MY stuff is not, and has never been, garbage.
you take yourself way too seriously if you’re not being sarcastic.
If by never you mean mostly, then you’re right on.

NCW, I can guarantee that I take myself less seriously than 95% (or maybe 100%) of the people on this site. This place is like a crabby old ladies' knitting club that just ran out of yarn. I am a ray of sarcastic yet insightful sunshine. As my pal CML recognizes.

Gibby, you are just jealous because you never post anything worth quoting or linking to. I'll put my dazzling portfolio of insightful, informational and thought-provoking yet humorous posts against your massive portfolio of one line insults (2 of them in this thread alone!) any day of the week.

I see that the tweet link from the top is now gone. I really was asking for some additional info on the tweet from you Twitter follower-types. This was a fairly significant item for WW. Did he pull it down? Was it re-tweeted across the Cosmos?
How's your ex's restraining order going? Speaking of stalkers, are you and Erictile D hooking up again soon?

In the immortal words of WSU’s own Keith Jackson... whoa Nellie. You just can’t play nice .
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Wah, wah what? Please explain, Twitter fiends?

So CML, who is a buddy of mine in real life, tweeted my humble but all-knowing post? I'm so confused!

I guess I need to go from 15 year subscriber, to freeloader as of today, to paid contributor to this site. Seems about right. :rolleyes:

I met Coach at the Mexican restaurant (lower level) the night before the spring game. He was with Baumgartner and a couple other people. What a different guy than what you see on TV. Took a picture with me and my buddy. When you talk with him, you’re the only person in the room. Very few people have that ability. After about 10 min he excused himself and got back to his group. An amazing experience and I hope to get the picture signed one day.
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How's your ex's restraining order going? Speaking of stalkers, are you and Erictile D hooking up again soon?

Oh, my little stalker has to resort to personal attacks. What a great representative of the Scott Hood WW site. Yeah Scott, I'm calling you out.

G'night little stalker. See you soon.
I met Coach at the Mexican restaurant (lower level) the night before the spring game. He was with Baumgartner and a couple other people. What a different guy than what you see on TV. Took a picture with me and my buddy. When you talk with him, you’re the only person in the room. Very few people have that ability. After about 10 min he excused himself and got back to his group. An amazing experience and I hope to get the picture signed one day.
Very true.

Met him right after he was hired at ANWCF and despite being swarmed by a bunch if adult males acting like teen girls around their idol, he was fully invested in the whopping one minute we spoke to each other.

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